This is about time and distance on the celestial and ethereal planes. Now, it's largely GM fiat, since the answers depend on your interpretation of the nature of the planes, but I figure motion *must* be possible, and hence time and space exist in some fashion, because Ofanim don't become massively dissonant simply by existing there. There are philosophies that say even God must obey the rules of logic, so let's cover a couple of things: An "event" is an element of a set, the continuum you're in. In IN, there would be four continua, Earth, The Marches, Heaven & Hell, and Limbo. However, and here's the key notion for this discussion, elements don't have to be places. You can think of numbers as a continuum, for example. "Distance" is a function defined on events, with a few properties: the distance from an event to itself is 0, the distance between two distinct events is always positive, and the distance from A to B, plus the distance from B to C, is never less than the distance from A to C. "Time" is closely related to distance; it's a dimension, in a sense, but it has a preferred direction, given by causality. Some things happen before others. Hypothesizing causality in all continua, we have time existing in all continua. Moreover, hypothesizing causality *between* continua, we have time moving in the same direction in all continua. It could conceivably slow or speed up, but it would always be moving in the same direction. (*Not* hypothesizing causality in other realms just makes things too weird for me to deal with....) Finally, there's the shape of the space. When there's a distance function on a space, it defines a topology for that space, that is, how things look close up. The p-adic numbers, for instance (don't ask) have only isosceles and equilateral triangles, and no scalene... *shudder*. Bearing all this in mind, let's look at the continua of In Nomine. This is all my opinion, of course, not actual logical deduction. ;^) Earth is easy. The elements of which the continuum is made up are places in time; they have the standard distance function of normal space, time runs in its relativistic rates, and the topology is perfectly normal. There are three spatial dimensions, one time direction, and maybe some extra dimensions doing funky things which don't bother most of the world except M-brane physicists. In terms of Ofanim, just keep moving. In the Marches, says the book, time and distance are functions of thought; you can slow to molasses crawl, or cross countries in a blink. This sounds reasonable, if the events of which the ethereal realm is made up are thoughts themselves. There are the thoughts of humans, and the thoughts of angels and demons inhabiting the Marches at the moment; there are the thoughts of dreaming animals, and there are the spaces that no one seems to be in at the moment, with nothing particularly going on, which are, just perhaps, the thoughts of God. Time here is defined by the intensity of thought; mostly this magnitude is at human average, which is about the Earth-normal rate. However, it's always positive. Distance, on the other hand, is defined more along the lines of "emotional distance": "I feel we're growing apart," or "I'm so close to the answer, it's on the tip of my tongue." You're always at distance 0 from yourself, and positive distance from others -- even touching someone, you're as far apart as the inability to read their whole mind. If you feel a goal is unreachable, you might never get there no matter how much you trudge. Instead, the way to your goal is to think positively, to believe that what you seek is within your grasp. Need to find a dreamscape? Play "six degrees of separation," and (angelically) follow the closeness you feel to them, or (demonically) work at it until they're practically in the palm of your hand. In terms of Ofanim, just keep thinking -- Dissonance here would be to dull the mind to stillness, via perhaps boredom or stubbornness. (Dimensions? No dimensions here, boyo; that would assume the Marches were a vector space, which doesn't seem to hold water for me. So, dimensions are undefined here. Time isn't a dimension, merely the preferred ordering of your memories, which is why it can play tricks in the Far Marches -- it still runs, but as your mind shifts so does time seem to.) The next one we'll do is Limbo; it makes for a simple way to expound some notions that we'll use in H&H. The points of Limbo are soul-space; a "location" is a (naturally, infinitely-long) description of *you* as a being, which changes as you do. There's no dimension except time, which is the ordering of your experiences. Instead, distance in this space is defined in terms of growth and change as a being: "You've come a long way," or "Something's holding me back." An Ofanite *might* suffer Dissonance here, if he was clinging so hard to his old frame of thought that he refused to allow even Limbo to change him, struggling rather to dismiss his entire experience here. (Even patiently waiting it out counts as an experience, which is sufficient; trying to use the experience to learn would be moving even faster.) Here, time passes for you at the rate it was passing in your rest frame when you hit Limbo. So, for example, if an angel was moving at near-lightspeed compared to a local laboratory, and died sans Heart, one week for the angel in Limbo might be a long time back in the lab. (No, really. Vapula's done tests with demons with Absolute Chronolocation and acceleration to near-lightspeed in his labs. They're invariably messy, but do confirm that relativity works in Limbo.) So, Limbo is rather a combination of all three realms in some respects: there's Earthlike time, defined by Marches-like experience ordering, and made up of soul states... ...much like Heaven and Hell. The Celestial realm is all about the state of the soul. There are "higher" and "lower" states of being, as well as different "points" of view; these are the elements of the Celestial continuum, and some of the directions which make it up. Other preferred directions of growth or development can be defined by those who are so focused on that growth or development that they prefer it to all others; in short Superiors. In most cases, Superiors define a specific "geography," a structure on soul-states whose dimensions are up to them, in their portion of the realm, which is made up of those soul-states dominated by the modes of thought they prefer. Moving around in those dimensions is a matter of entering a particular state of being -- to go from the Savannah to the Halls of Progress, for example, you need to become more in tune with the spark of inspiration than with the wild brotherhood. It can look like you're walking there, if that's what you're used to. But what it really needs is the proper state of being, extension of yourself in the appropriate dimensions. In terms of Ofanim, keep doing things and gaining new experiences. Potentially, there are an infinitude of such dimensions; the problem with getting to them is rather like that of a two-dimensional being trying to get to a third. You simply don't have a muscle which moves in that direction to "push" you there. Angels are trapped in, quite literally, the hyperplane of Heaven and can't get to the Upper Heavens the way water can move about on a surface but can't stack up above it. Why can humans? Because there's an applicable muscle -- Jacob's ladder. There is hope, though. It's not farfetched at all to say that God is an infinite-dimensional being, indeed *is* that collection of the infinitude of soul-states. And as such, he can "move" in any direction, including pushing you in a direction you hadn't expected, hadn't even known existed.