William (#2330) has changed the GM of this room to William (#2330). The GM says, "We'll give fade a couple of minutes to 5 sharp, and then get started. Gives me time to putter on something right quick." Jesdyn has made Jesdyn's local description A well-traveled angel with dust on his wings. William returns. A'ighty. Session 43 (Entrıact, Arc 7.5): Visitations ------------ Game Start -------------- The GM says, "You emerge next to your Heart in the Celestial Tribunal, with a slight rubber twanging of the Symphony." Jesdyn [to William]: There's no sneaking out of this and no point to doing it -- should I call for Infernal Affairs now? The GM says, "If you wish. Regular Trauma patrol drops by shortly." The GM says, "The Reliever who had been checking for new occurrence of angels wrapped around their Hearts eye the dull black iron collar you're wearing with shocked curiosity." Neil pings him. Neil rolled 13 versus 18 and succeeded by 5. The GM says, "His name is Burning-Light-of-Geburah, whom you may call Geb for short, and his is a pretty standard Reliever's background. You get his patrol work." Neil says, "Hello, Geb. It's been a long day. Who's on corporeal check-in duty today?" Geb flits up close. "Edek," he says. "One of Ardon's department. Is that a *Geas*?" Neil says, "Yes. And it's one of the least unpleasant things to happen to me today. At least, I think it is. When they say avoid eye contact with Lilim, they mean it." Geb nods. "I have heard that that is very good advice. I've also heard that they've got pretty eyes, which makes it seem like a shame..." He pauses a moment and collects himself. "Hang on... there's a rule about Geases. Let me remember..." He thinks. "Oh, right. Please stay here and let me fetch a Bailiff to take you to quarantine for debriefing. Who should I ask for?" Neil rubs his face and rues Angelic. "Well, strictly speaking, Ardon." Neil . o O ( Mihr might be nice to call, though. ) Jesdyn [to William]: Least I'm pretty sure that's the canonical name of the Angel of Mercy. The GM says, "It is." Neil shakes his head. "I'll stay here while you fetch Ardon. Promise." Geb says cheerfully, "Thank you!" and zooms off. A few minutes later he comes back with a Malakite who eyes you, nods, and takes you to a spare but well-lit debriefing room. He waits there with you for a few more minutes, until Ardon arrives. Jesdyn [to William]: How much is left of my memory of the last arc? I know I was in Hell, and I know it was for a good reason, but I'm not absolutely sure *why* it was a good reason. Jesdyn [to William]: Rather -- I'm not sure Neil is sure. The GM says, "Ah, right. I made notes." ----------------------------------William-------------------------------- -- What do you remember? You remember everything *up to* finding that the shards in Utgard werre "stuck" against a third Ethereal Domain. You remember entering it, followed by a foggy series of events, then leaving it with a Lilim guide with whom you had apparently made agreement to be your guide on retrieving the relic you later found. You remember the events in Mariel's shard, including the deals you made, and Chastity bailing, ending with bringing the crystal back to the Domain, along with the Discordant Watcher. Things get foggy again, and you left to face Beleth's interest in the matter. Events came to a head, and you and the Nightmares demons went home. What the Tsayadim did with themselves or what happened to the Watcher are unknown to you. You owe Chastity two enchanter-years worth of relics, and Neil has pointed out that nobody specified how useful they had to be. She requested them to "Guildhall of the Free Lilim, to Chastity of Technology care of the Courier Anfallik." Neil also has a Geas/3 on him from promising her "I was using what demonic property we found down here (a reliquary/1, which you still have, and an alchemical dose of EthHealing, which you used up). You're welcome to collect your share of what's left of it when we're done down here." ---------------------------------finished-------------------------------- -- The GM says, "Poit when done." Neil poits. The GM says, "And you, personally, are still carrying a number of relics. The sack disappeared when you left the Marches, but the relics just sort of melded with your celestial form." The GM says, "(Not anything unusual, that. It's just the way weightless stuff gets carried around.)" Jesdyn [to William]: So I remember why I jumped into Hell, and why, and what I did there. The GM says, "You remember Iacopo and his story, yes." Ardon sits down with your folder. "I remember being worried when told that you were heading off to the Even Farther Marches with a demon, but oddly enough, Geases were not high on my worry list. Was he not an Impudite?" Neil says, "Yes, but we're pretty sure we soul-killed him. The geas is from the Lilim we met in Marielıs Cathedral -- but that's not even the worst of my news." fadethecat swings into the room on a bit of rigging. fadethecat has made fadethecat's local name Draco Ardon looks up. "What is?" William waves at fade. [ snip msg'ing ] Neil switches to formal Angelic. "Daniel of Final Judgement has requested I report the circumstances surrounding my visit to Hell's Gate. Sir." Ardon takes a physically unnecessary but mentally fortifying deep breath. "Let's take the debriefing from the top, then..." Draco sneaks in. Sorry for the late. The GM says, "n/p" William [to Neil]: fast-forward through the recap? Jesdyn [to William]: Yeah. Jesdyn [to William]: Unless Ardon's the type to turn colors. Ardons looks over the relics you've arrayed on the table. "Busy mission. These will be very interesting to analyze..." Ardon says, "And so the exact wording of the Geases to the Lilim are delivery of relics, measured by enchanter-years? And the return of her personal goods you commandeered." Neil replies, "Well, I specified her *share* of them, so her personal gear counts against what she's owed, the way I figure it." Neil says, "They were seized under the general terms of our agreement." Ardon says, "When fulfilling a Geas, the arbiting criterion is of course what the Geas figures, you know..." Ardon says, "Policy-wise, *our* goal would naturally be to minimize Hell's utility from the payment. We could Geas-strip you, but, well, ow." Ardon says, "And anyway, I'm not sure you don't deserve a medal instead." Neil pinks. Ardon makes a small mark in an area of the folder indicating that this isn't the first mission that's happened on. Neil says, "I had assumed, if it came to it, that since we're measuring the value of the relics in enchanter-years, that we could give her the Second Least Useful Relics in Heaven." Ardon nods firmly. "Quite along my line of thinking. The relics you've provided should more than cover the materiel costs of the relics to be issued to cover the Geas costs. I'll have these sent to Lightning and fill out a requisition slip." He peers at you with a bit of a glint in his eye. "You might also consider sending her something... ticking. Metaphorically speaking." Ardon says as he signs the quartermaster form and hands it over, "I hear False Hearts are as illegal in Hell as they are here...." Neil nods. "We could. But... I might need the Lilim again some day. Better I merely embarass one for sloppy dealing than actually get one killed, I think." Neil says, "Unless that's an order...?" Ardon says, "No, no. At your discretion. The manner in which you hand it over may be, as well -- a properly nuanced presentation can make an effective gossip item. Rid yourself of the Geas safely, then return to work. We'll see about additional outcomes of the mission when there's less time pressure." He closes up the folder and heads out. The GM says, "The Bailiff nods to you and leaves. You're in charge again." Jesdyn [to William]: Well, I'm at loose ends. Useful things include getting Judgement's files on the courier I'm supposed to meet -- I only assume it's somebody known to Heaven -- and seeing if anybody knows where Ekur and Draco have gotten to. Neil says, "If they're back in Civis or come through Heaven." The GM says, "(typing)" The GM says, "Research roll." Jesdyn [to William]: What's the default? The GM says, "IQ-5, IIRC." Neil rolled 10 versus 13 and succeeded by 3. The GM says, "Anfallik has records from debriefings of Redeemed, known as a fairly reliable courier for Free Lilim. She's known to be contactable from any Freedom Tether that has the resources to contact the Guildhall quickly; Concord Green in Massachusetts is decently close to the Judgment Tethers in DC. Communications between Heaven and Civis are not swift; last word on Ekur and Draco has them, with you, out on a classified mission. You were in debriefing for several hours; it would have taken at least that long to get back from Utgard." Jesdyn [to William]: It was two enchanter-years each, right? But I was carrying everybody's loot; especially considering the wack cloak thingie, is there enough there to cover everyone's debt at once? The GM says, "Two enchanter-years each? No, total. IIRC, she tried for 'each' but Draco caught that. One shipment should do to satisfy the Geas." The GM says, "I'd have to doublecheck the logs, but that's what I was visualizing." fadethecat [to William]: That's what I recalled. Neil says, "Oh, that's nice." Neil showers and changes into some robes that doesn't smell like equal parts mold, terror, and brimstone, and ambles over to the Halls of Progress to see what Jean's boys have for him. Jesdyn [to William]: Do you want to specify them now, or let the IN List figure out what's in the box later? "You want... useless relics?" Draco [to Neil]: Draco would probably object to /completely/ useless relics being used to pay off the debt, but would be fully in favor of relics with side-effects (or primary effects) that made it a lot easier to use them for warm fuzzy things than evil. Neil nods cheerfully. "That's right. Utterly useless. Devoid of any worth save that someone made them. And a deposition stating the approximate effort that went into their construction." Neil tings his Geas. "There's a Lilim of Technology eagerly awaiting her payment for the services she's rendered me. We wouldn't want to disappoint." "Well, we aren't really in the habit of making useless relics, but..." types on a computer, calls up some lists. "...we have some perfectly lovely relics that took a lot of effort to make strictly angel-only." Neil thinks. "That's... not quite sporting. Okay, let's try this." Neil pings the receptionist. "Alternatively..." *typetype* "...might the Geas be satisfied by some Bell Blossoms? Usable -- as long as you deliver them within 24 hours." Jesdyn [to William]: Not sure what those are. The GM says, "The receptionist is the same one you met last time you visited the halls of Progress, in fact." The GM says, "Bell Blossoms are a plant that gives a relic flower with about a month of cultivation and Essence. When plucked and the scent inhaled, it gives a mortal the ability to breathe underwater, in poisoned air, etc." The GM says, "It is usable for about 24 hours after picking." Jesdyn [to William]: Hmm. Promising. She'll have to sell 'em off, *fast*, and everyone's going to wonder why. Neil says, "That's really tempting. Who could I talk to about those?" "Oh, they're Novaline, of course. The Bees keep acres of them in some of the Brazilian plots." Neil smiles. "That sounds wonderful. Let me just..." Jesdyn [to William]: Hey, how hard is it to take paperwork corporeal? The GM says, "Pretty hard -- an Elohite computer can do it, and Draco paid points for a relic notebook." Jesdyn [to William]: If it doesn't have to actually *exist* corporeally, just reappear with another object celestially, is it any easier? Jesdyn [to William]: That is, not manifest on the Corporeal, just travel through it? The GM says, "That's no problem. You'll have to go celestial to manifest it, that's all." The GM says, "It'll be with you assuming you were carrying it when you descended." Jesdyn [to William]: Alright. I'll get a warrant from Lightning (or Lightning's legal council, and THERE's an image) stating the average enchanter-year cost for Bell Blossoms, then head over to Novalis' Cathedral with my requisition and see what happens. The GM says, "The Farmers listen politely to your request, shoo away the retinue of curious Relievers that have been following you watching the Geas, and direct you to a small Tether that leads to a site deep in the Brazilian rainforest." Neil has wandered through the forest with a torus with no name. The GM says, "The cultivated fields are several hours' rough travel away from the actual Tether site, which is natural and needs not to be disturbed. You're casually informed on the way that there's a known Freedom Tether a few hours further away -- the statue of the slave rebel Zumbi (which is in the Liber Castellorum, if you have it)." The GM says, "It is positively the greenest, wettest environment you have ever been in. The Flowers angels escorting you are a bit more... primal... than the fluffy Hippies you know and love." Jesdyn [to William]: What're the likely logistics surrounding contacting such a courier -- walk into the Tether, say I want to talk to her, they send the message Down and she comes Up? William [to Neil]: Sounds as good as any. Neil explains the situation to the Seneschal. "I owe a Lilim a debt, to be paid in relic enchanter-years. My boss suggested something "ticking", but I thought I'd rather... say it with Flowers." The GM says, "The Seneschal looks over your paperwork and nods. You're cleared to head to the cultivation fields, and get there shortly. Some Novalans in the dress of the natives look up at your arrival, and one copper-skinned lady comes over." "24 Bell-Blossoms!? You'll never be able to use them all in time. Or are you visiting Atlantis or something?" fadethecat [to Jesdyn]: Visiting Atlantis /would/ be pretty awesome. Neil eyes Rosa. "Do you know something about Atlantis I don't? No, they're for -- how should I say this -- a very special lady I owe a great deal to." Neil says, "And I have every confidence she'll find uses for them we would never imagine." Rosa smiles knowledgeably. "The next time one of us shows up wearing a Geas we weren't expecting because we were trying to make nice with a Redemption prospect, I hope you'll remember this experience." She calls out orders in Spanish and several cultivators locate 2 dozen usable Bell Blossoms and pack them up for you. Rosa hands them to you. "The Seneschal at Zumbi's Statue is named Hirah. Be careful she doesn't damage the blossoms... your Vessel's white, and she loves to stoke racial tensions if she thinks you're a human." Jesdyn [to William]: How am I on Essence? I may need to bribe Annie and I'm pretty sure I'm dead empty. Neil says, "Thanks for the warning." The GM says, "Between the hours of debriefing and travel, I suppose we can say you've regained 1." Jesdyn [to William]: If it's available, I'll make a nice bouquet of the flowers, borrow some spare clothes, sunglasses, and a clipboard, and cadge a ride into town. The GM says, "Done." Jesdyn [to William]: I disembark a couple blocks away from the Tether and wave the car on, looking around with my resonance until I zero in on Hirah. roll 3d6 On 3d6, you rolled 10. The GM says, "After checking out a couple of folks, you spot the cleaning lady spearing litter off the plaza." The GM says, "There are a handful of tourists around -- Brazil in 1995 had just recently commemorated the tercentennial of the rebellion he led." Neil wanders up with his bouqet and his clipboard. "Hello, ma'am. Do you know where I can find the Guildhall? I've got a delivery for someone." The GM says, "Hirah looks you over, looks around to make sure there's no one listening nearby, then nods and quietly tilts her head toward a nearby refreshment stand that's closed, muttering something quietly in a language you don't know but is almost certainly Portuguese." Neil resonates her briefly. Neil says, "Well, again, I guess." Neil rolled 17 versus 18 and succeeded by 1. Neil says, "Twang." Jesdyn [to William]: Okay, so I don't know if she hates me. The GM says, "You already did, and I'll ignore that roll. :^) It's her, Hirah, the Seneschal." Jesdyn [to William]: I know, I was just looking for something indicating I was about to get mugged. The GM says, "Oh, nadda clue." Neil heads over to the refereshment stand. The GM says, "You cool your heels there for a minute and she works her way over doing her job, until you're out of sight. She turns and addresses you in English. 'You must be from out of town. Not a lot of milkskins show up around here; you're likely to be remembered. Who sent you, what have you got, and who's it for?'" Neil says, "Chastity of Technology, not your problem, and Anfallik of the Guildhall." Neil says, "I'll speak further to Anfallik." Hirah laughs. "Don't get uppity, foreigner, this is my house. Since you don't care to tell me your cargo, you can pay me an Essence to call Anfallik here to check out the goods." Neil replies in Angelic, "The cargo is not inimical to you or your Tether, but if you want to explain why you queered a week's Geas on an Angel of Judgement to Chastity, you're welcome to. You may find it worth your while to watch what happens, instead." The GM says, "You have to be celestial (or a Vassal of War) to speak Angelic." The GM says, "You could say that in English..." Jesdyn [to William]: I'll do so. Jesdyn [to William]: Not worth manifesting. Hirah casually turns the litter spear over until its point is aiming at you. "And now I'll definitely be seeing what's in that box, boy. Do you think Seneschals are here to look pretty? Nothing goes up or down my Tether without approval." Neil spreads his hands. "Call Anfallik first, and I'll show you both before she takes it back. You can tell her she has to hoof it back to Hell herself if you'd like." Neil says, "Though -- I suppose it wouldn't hurt." Neil steps back, and reveals the flowers. Hirah looks at them. "Bell Blossoms. Cute. And perishable, which explains your rush. Fine. And now I'll be happy to call Anfallik, if you will just pay me the damned Essence to do so. I'm not spending it before I get it." Neil hands over the Essence. Jesdyn [to William]: I thought she was just being obstinate. Jesdyn [to William]: I woulda sworn comms up and down Tethers were canon. Hirah sings CelTongues, and says, "She got the word. Give her a few minutes, she knows this Tether." The GM says, "A couple of minutes later, a Lilim manifests behind the statue of Zumbi. A child cries out and points at the 'monster green lady,' but no one else sees her and she makes her way familiarly over to the refresqueria. Hirah looks over at you. 'I verify that this is the courier Anfallik,' she says." Neil says, "Anfallik, per the terms of the Geas laid down by Chastity of Technology, I deliver these relics to you." Jesdyn [to William]: Is that enough to make it go ping? I figure the Geas as written is FOB shipping point. roll 3d6 On 3d6, you rolled 6. Anfallik materializes, takes the bouquet, checks them out perceptively for a minute, and nods. Your legal interpretation does battle with Chastity's will for a moment, and the major Geas decides it's resolved. William [to Neil]: You still need to return the stash reliquary, though. Anfallik says, "And to cover my costs for the return trip, you or her? Remember, it's your gut if the Geas isn't paid." Neil sighs, and adds her reliquary to the pile, then tears the Geas from his neck. Neil says, "Looks like she is." Neil says, "She probably won't argue with you much if you tell her these lovely Bell Flowers -- worth two enchanter-years of relic effort; check the receipt when you go Celestial -- will rot in about 22 hours from now." Anfallik looks up from checking out the reliquary, and snickers. "Hey, if she laid a Geas that can get satisfied by fairy gold, I'm just here to courier the goods, not save her ass for her. I'll let her know." She picks up the Essence from the reliquary and descends the Tether. Hirah looks you over. "You're the angel in question, aren't you." Neil smiles. "How badly do you want to know?" Hirah laughs. "Honestly? I don't. The gossip is better that way. But one way or the other, you can beat it now before you wind up a headline." She chuckles and heads off, picking up candy wrappers. Neil waves. "Nice doing business with you. Repent of your sins and be Judged worthy to enter Heaven. You still end up picking up trash, but the hours are better." Neil wanders out of town, and ascends to Heaven. Got a *lot* of paperwork before he makes it back to Civis... The GM says, "Right, that's that scene." The GM says, "Time to see what Draco has been up to, mm?" William blinks, wobbles. Err, let's actually take five for a moment. William mutters. I need caffeine. I lack soda, and, having not done dishes yet today, lack a clean pot in which to brew tea. THIS IS MADNESS! Draco sympathizes, emails caffeine. William returns. One very, very good thing about the move: the water in Philly is drinkable out of the tap, unlike that which I suffered from in State College. Neil says, "That's always a plus." The GM says, "Right then. We turn the camera to Draco and Ekur, who returned to Civis from Utgard. The border guard greets your return politely, and the absence of the demon even more cheerfully." The GM says, "You get to City Hall, aiming for a debrief with your superiors, when a familiar voice comes up out of the waiting hall. 'Dracooooo!' A hare bounds out of the room and barrels in to the ferret, bowling him over." Hanniel says, "I finally got some vacation time and I came to Civis to see how you were and they said you were GONE just when I got here and they couldn't say where or why and they didn't know when you would be back..." Hanniel stops. "And rumor has it you were with a *demon*. It wasn't Mephibosheth, was it, because I'd heard he was doing nasty things in Suburbia." Draco scrambles for his glasses, and pulls himself back upright. "Duty calls! And I'm back now. I hope I'm not so late that you need to leave right away? And the demon thing was not Mephibosheth, though it was interestingly complicated. Writing up contracts for Lilim is always entertaining." Ekur says politely, "I will leave you two alone. I presume your own commanders will want a debrief later, Draco," and heads inside. The GM says, "The hare hops off, and turns into a short human-looking girl." Draco remains ferrety for the moment, adjusting his glasses. "The debriefing is likely to be interesting in a complete different way. I mean, you'd think that the part involving Mariel would be where my memory was all fuzzy, but no." Hanniel says, "No, I've got a while. The main thing was to deliver the news anyway. ...Mariel?" She blanches. "We never met back when you and I were on the other team." Hanniel peers at you expertly. "...you have the sound and look of someone who could use a day or so not thinking about work. Am I right? Of course I am." "What news?" Draco asks, and flips through his notebook. "Yes, Mariel... And you're quite right. It's been a very strange mission, and I'm not even talking about the part where we kept forgetting one of the people in the triad was around." Hanniel pauses when you ask about the news, and says, "No, down time is important. If you're so ragged that you didn't... well, you'll be in no shape to deal with it. No buts, this is a specialty for Dreams." She holds out a hand for you to climb on board. "So, tell me about it. The parts you need to, anyway." The GM says, "As the conversation progresses, Hanniel wanders about the city. You may feel free to talk about the mission as much or as little as you want, direct her to interesting sights, and the like." Draco leaps up from hand to shoulder. "It was...exceptionally strange." He sighs, watching the scenery pass by. "I sometimes forget that Heaven has its darker moments of history as well. Before my time, I suppose." He shakes it off. "Really, some of it I'd rather just let alone for now. Oh! If you head down this street to the left, I can show you the building I made vanish. Did I ever tell you about that?" Draco will do exactly that, with more of an eye towards interesting sites. Civis is full of interesting to show off to someone who'd appreciate it. Hanniel says, "No, you hadn't. This Domain's pretty malleable when it comes to Dreaming, is it?" Draco waves a hand about. "Yes and no. It depends on how close you stick to its purpose and themes, as with any Domain. But the Domain master is fairly understanding about policework's needs." Hanniel tries it out, adding some greenery to the street. [ snip roll Lucid_Dreaming - announce succeeded ] The GM says, "It appears slowly; she frowns and banishes it." Hanniel says, "I see what you mean -- the Domain wants to be dry and harsh. I was wondering about that..." Draco nods. "I'm told it was very post-apocalyptic when Heaven arrived. It's become much more vibrant since, but it's still trying to be more Arizona than England." He waves a paw down another street. "There's some more leeway inside buildings. This place wants to stick to real physics enough that it's best not to try for an inside too much bigger than an outside, but I've been experimenting with my own quarters off and on. The all-water version worked very well, I thought, except for the part where the Domain then insisted that people underwater couldn't breathe. I'm still working on debugging that one." The GM says, "You pass a Protoss, a rogue modron and a Vulcan discussing the proper useage of psionics outside a cafe. Meanwhile, a dreamscape bobs by with a sheltering Ofanite keeping an eye out above it." The GM says, "...I got no plot. I mean, I could keep this up for another hour, but..." fadethecat [to William]: Well, I'm entertained, but there's not a whole lot of places to go with the general chat unless we start getting into competitive dreamshaping. fadethecat [to William]: Which is certainly a possibility, but I see the flaw. William nods. One more question, to sow the ground for later, then, and I'll drop her news (and the next arc hook). The GM says, "After you've visited a few of the major sites -- Temple, Factory, seen the Wilderness Sector -- you end up back at your workplace. Hanniel regards it with interest." fadethecat [to William]: Where does Draco work from, anyway? City Hall, or a street where deal-makers hang out? The GM says, "The latter. I've always pictured it as an open booth next to a major market square." Draco says, "Works for me." Draco points proudly to the counter. "And /that's/ where I stand around waiting for business to come by, or for someone to dragoon me into some complex mission I never expected." Hanniel says, "I've seen favor-witnessing before, and even taken part in it -- I owe Astro Boy a lesson on xenobiology -- but you've gotten pretty involved. You say your main mission from Trade is somehow formalizing it into an Attunement, like Divine Contract but less..." she waves her hands... "harsh?" Draco nods. "And more applicable to the Marches. Divine Contract only hurts down on Earth, and Heaven's policy is that ethereals aren't supposed to go there at all. Doesn't make much sense to use a contract that's based on an assumption that people will be wandering around Earth when making deals up here, but sometimes you need more to bind a person to a deal than their word alone." Hanniel nods. "Getting any thoughts on that from what you've learned?" Draco says, "Some. I've been doing a lot of thinking about the way a Lilim's Geas works, and how well they can differentiate between the letter and spirit of an agreement. It would be helpful if I could get some in-depth observation of a Geas's effects--I mean, I've seen it before, but not while /studying/ the concept--but I can't exactly say, 'Hey, send any spare Bright Lilim you have sitting around down here to stick Geases on people and take them off for a while, would you?' This place is only so secure." Hanniel says, "Heh. I've heard of this really ancient Song that's almost never sung these days, called the Song of Witness. It's like taking an oath, only not. It's known, just not used much. You might ask around." Hanniel says, "And for ethereals, there's Sorcery, but, of course..." she gets serious. "...well. I suppose work is trying to drop me a signal with the conversation turning like this." Hanniel says, "My news earlier. Like I said, although you were apparently so strung out you didn't click to it, it was about Mephibosheth. I was doing some work trying to sneak dreamers back over from Beleth's side of the Vale when I heard word that he'd finagled his way off Corporeal duty and into the Marches, with an eye on us." Draco frowns, and flips open his notepad. "That's definitely news, and it went right over my head before. Any more details than that?" Hanniel nods. She says, "Yeah. I managed to dig up that he was working in Suburbia, but I've been to that Domain and there's no obvious sign of his presence. I started thinking the ethereals I was talking to might have meant an outpost of this city. You guys have anything like that?" fadethecat [to William]: Do we have suburbs? roll 3d6 On 3d6, you rolled 6. William [to Draco]: So to speak. You established Jane and Yazz in what was once Selkirk and Roxburgh. The GM says, "And have since then been sending the occasional convict there to serve some time, under Dorotea's ministrations." Draco ponders. "Not in this Domain as such, but we do have an outlying Domain that's affiliated enough that it may count as suburbs. More of a penal colony, really, but if the metaphor stretches far enough it could be what's being referred to." fadethecat [to William]: And, heck, I completely forgot to resonate to try to pick up truth beyond what the speaker actually knows. The GM says, "You may make the attempt..." Draco rolled 13 versus 22 and succeeded by 9. The GM says, "Naturally, she reports the information as she heard it, and insofar as her details have panned out they are accurate. She is further correct that the actual ethereal domain most widely known as Suburbia is not the correct target. Selkirk and Roxburgh seem to conceptually fit the bill, but she doesn't know enough to ring on that." Hanniel feels the dawn Essence wash over the city as day breaks. She sighs. "Well, I have a dreamer I need to get back to, who should be waking up from the anaesthetic shortly." Hanniel smiles at you. "Now that I know what Civis looks and feels like, we'll see if I can't persuade her to dream of it some nights, so that we can have a few minutes again." "I'll get someone to look into Selkirk and Roxburgh, and see if there's anything fishy going on there," Draco says. "And...it was good to see you again, Hanniel. Best of luck with your dreamers. Maybe if you can encourage some Mad Max marathon viewing sessions right before bed?" Hanniel laughs. "She's six, so that'd be serving Nightmares. But I'll see what I can do." She leans over for a kiss, before hitching a ride on a passing dreamscape out of the city. The GM says, "(Call it for the night?)" Draco says, "Works for me." ---------------- Session End ---------------------