William (#2330) has changed the GM of this room to William (#2330). fadethecat has made fadethecat's local description A silver ferret wearing glasses. He also seems to have a notebook in his pocket. (What pocket? It's the Marches. There's always a pocket if you want one.) Jesdyn [to William]: My last email to you has Neil's revised sheet. William [to Jesdyn]: Received, yah. fadethecat [to William]: I'm still fiddling with Thais's skills, due to needing ten points for the contact group. Half a sec. William [to fadethecat]: I doubt Thais' character details will play a significant role today, so don't stress over it. fadethecat [to William]: Sent. But, okay. The GM says, "Before we begin, a few points of interest:" The GM says, "We will be starting in Heaven, since one of the purchases Ekur made requires Blandine's intervention, and as an additional stop he will be picking up Draco after his assignment by Marc." The GM says, "It is shortly after the airship incident; you may wish to work out the details of how you intend to contact Dorotea to request her assistance." Draco slinky-poings, and revises desc for Heaven. fadethecat has made fadethecat's local description A fairly ordinary gold-scaled Seraph. Wearing glasses with six lenses. The GM says, "And, finally, as a background note which may or may not become relevant at some point during this arc, it has started to come to the notice of Civis personnel that the number of human dreamscapes attracted to the city recently has been stretching the resources of the number of angels available to assign one-on-one escorts. Ekur, this of course echoes developments in the Marches at large from millenia ago as the human population boomed." Neil hasn't spent much time in Heaven these last few decades -- it's not really his home anymore. He quietly tags along. The GM says, "Neil, all you had to do with character points was stop in and redirect the paperwork, since you've decided to direct your energies along a different route. You're tweaking your skills before messing with your Force configuration yet, so Incarnate Law is on hold. Hang out with Ekur when his scene rolls around." The GM says, "Let's start with Draco and Marc!" --------------- Arc 6: Fire in the Sky -------------- The GM says, "It's another beautiful day in Heaven (aren't they all?) in this case over Marc's Bazaar. Draco, what would you be doing between the time you put through the paperwork to be assigned to Civis and receiving a reply?" Draco says, "Poker games, now that the request has been turned in. And possibly lurking in coffee shops in the Bazaar, listening to the flow of conversations." The GM says, "Poker it is, in one of the coffee shops run by an Eliite in the Bazaar. Your table today includes a Seraph of Destiny engaging in Yves' 'game of chance' Rite, an Elohite Windie practicing his bluffing, and a fellow Mercurian of Trade who joined the table a few hands back. Res-permitted. So how do the dice say you're doing?" Draco rolled 12 versus 20 and succeeded by 8. Draco [to William]: Well, the Gambling says I know what I'm doing. Shall I find out how much it'll cost each person in this hand to find out what my cards are? William [to Draco]: Nah, no need to get that detailed presently. The Seraph of Destiny peers at you momentarily, mutters, "Got your actual hand on that res," and folds. The other two decide it would be wise to follow suit, and you take the pot. Marc peers over your shoulder. "Never did like res-permitted games," he says. Draco grabs his winnings with one wing, while coiling his head around to look at his Archangel. "It swaps out the types of fun," he says, and grins. "Boss! What can I do for you?" Marc says, "Cash out and pack your bags for Civis. I'll walk you to the Volcano and we'll discuss orders on the way." Draco grabs his notebook, tips the reliever who's been bringing around the drinks, and cashes out his chips, not quite simultaneously, as he's not a Kyriotate. Marc starts walking with you toward the Volcano. "I like the notion of expanding Divine Contract. From my studies, much of the trade among Ethereals has a social basis in a service economy; networks of relationships become very important. The economy of developed nations on Earth is heading in this direction, so an update of Divine Contract that focuses on the value one obtains from those relationships could work out well." Marc hums. "Michael wants one that does Dissonance. Like Geases, he says. I mean, really." Draco frowns. "Dissonance, Boss? I don't really like the sound of that myself. There's a smack on the hand, and then there's pushing people away from the core of themselves. I guess War has different priorities than some people, though." Marc says, "I quite agree, but then I suspect Michael is thinking of making contracts with people he *expects* to try to break them. At any rate, that's neither here nor there. Study those networks of relationships. Try to learn how the information about someone's reliability or unreliability is transmitted and preserved. Learn how ethereals act on it. While you're poking your nose around the Ethereal economy, make yourself useful as a trade advisor to the city staff; I've talked to the Karsts and Matthias has assigned you a place. Should be useful now that stable diplomatic relations with other Domains are starting to spring up." Draco fluffs his wings. "Will do, Boss. How often do you want progress reports?" The GM says, "You approach the wall of the Eternal City and enter a subterranean pedestrian tunnel that approaches the Volcano from below. Clean-burning torches light the obsidian hallway in reflective nooks. Angels of Fire and Stone meet on various errands." Marc says, "As often as you make interesting progress. I'll send word if I need something on a timeframe." He pauses in a faceted room carved from the living stone that glitters with reflected flames, touching both Volcano and Catacombs. There are a few Karsts here milling about. fadethecat [to William]: Remind me on 'Karsts'? William [to fadethecat]: The Contiguous Karsts are the order of Stone angels to which Matthias belongs, and have theoretical authority over the Civis Project. fadethecat [to William]: Ah, right. Thanks. Draco looks around with bright-eyed interest behind his spectacles, but keeps his mouth shut for the moment. It wouldn't do to accidentally antagonize one of the Stonies. Marc says, "You and several of these angels will be making your first trip to Civis, so there will be a city official stopping by soon who knows the way. Dreams, I think. Wait here; he'll be by shortly. Any last questions?" Draco shakes his head. "None that spring to mind. Thanks for the opportunity, Boss. I'll do my best." Marc nods. "I knew you would." He heads back to the Bazaar. The GM says, "Scene change to the Tower." The GM says, "Ekur is in a room that bears a vague resemblance to a sculptor's studio, only he is the one being sculpted. He is in Vessel form, and an instantiation of Blandine presently appearing to be a teenage girl is prodding at his leg as he stands on a pedestal. Neil is waiting patiently outside." Blandine says as she carefully kneads a knee joint, "Lame blacksmiths multiply with unpredicted fecundity. It is a pair of traits with curiously hidden connections." Blandine says "...there. That should do it. How do you find your Vessel now?" Ekur flexes his knee. "It works beautifully now, my Lady. Though I almost regret a change to a Vessel I had so long, it is certainly necessary if my duties take me to the corporeal like they did with the sorcerer." Blandine nods. "I suspect the city will begin echoing more firmly on Earth as more humans pass through, lucidly or not. Please see to it that the images they bring away are as close to Heaven as can be arranged." Ekur nods, and kneels to Blandine. "As you wish, my lady." Neil shudders, slightly. If they dream of Heaven, well and good. If they /don't/ -- someone's gonna get those dreams. She steps back. "Matthias has increased the city's staff. Several Karsts are waiting below the Volcano for a guide to the city, and an advisor from Trade has been assigned to oversee the city's economic welfare." Her tone suggests that she considers this latter a minor priority at best. "Please stop by the Refraction Chamber and guide them." She pauses. "You may find the trip down the Volcano... different this time. I do not wish to bias your impressions by providing further data, so please keep a close eye on the path as you go." Ekur bows his head from the kneeling position, and then rises. "I shall, my Lady." He then walks out to Neil. The GM says, "Neil, you're now onstage. A background angel of Dreams heads in to the studio to get a Vessel crafted." Neil says, "Looking good, Ekur. I already stopped by the Tribunal -- we ready to leave?" Ekur says, "We need to head down to the Volcano. I'm to pick up several Karsts and an advisor from Trade in the Refraction Chamber." Neil says, "Volcano... I hadn't been there since we set out for nowhere six years ago." Neil says, "Well, lead the way." Ekur nods. "Been a rather short while, hasn't it?" He starts across heaven to the Voclano. "Of course, even short times often result in large changes in the Volcano. Gabriel is almost as changeable as dreamstuff." Neil frowns. "Isn't he just." Neil forebears further comment on Gabriel. The GM says, "The fastest way from the Tower to the Refraction Chamber is to ride the Dreamer's Winds, past The Place Where Wind Walks Through Stone, to the Caldera. It's a quick trip taken the elemental route, and you land in the Cathedral of brass and gemstones. Then down, down the blazing halls, until the walls are rawer stuff, porphyry and rough granite, until you reach the tunnels where Fire can dance with Stone and the two be unharmed. Down here is the Refraction Chamber, where the Catacombs touch the Volcano. Waiting inside are the angels you have come to meet." Ekur says, "The weird thing, really, is that the humans seem to be changing so fast these days. I blame writing." Neil says, "You want weird? Look how fast /angels/ are changing." Ekur nods to the angels. "I understand you are in need of a guide to Civis?" William [to Draco]: That'd be you guys he's addressing. Scenes merge! Draco nods brightly to the Elohite, setting his glasses to rattling against each other. "Would that make you two the guides?" Neil smiles brightly and shakes hands, resonating as he goes. Ekur says, "I, at least, have been so assigned." Jesdyn [to William]: These are just due-diligence resonances, claiming the usual +2 and getting a handle on Civis' newest citizens. Ekur waits to autorez Draco when they're in the Ethereal. No point in risking failure in Heaven. Draco offers the Mercurian a silver-feathered wing to shake as Neil approaches. Neil says, "Hiya, I'm Neil, good to meet you." Ekur I reworded that answer three times. I disn't see neil assigned as a guide, so telling a Seraph that he was one would not be perfectly truthful, and telling him that they were not guides wouldn't work . . . William [to Neil]: You get a series of angelic names from Stone, and it is forcefully recalled to you that the Karsts are one of the tightest-knit groups in Heaven. Some of them literally answer to "Karst" more than to their usual name. The GM says, "As for Draco..." skill 18 Neil_Resonance You rolled 5 and Neil_Resonance - critically succeeded by 13. fadethecat [to William]: Well. That keeps things fun. The GM says, "Life history. Kindly see http://www.writely.com/View.aspx?docid=bcjkvv5g5fp9k for the high points." Neil blinks. Neil just read somebody's character sheet? Neil says, "Good to have you with us, Draco." The GM says, "Not the statistics, but pretty much everything under History." fadethecat [to Jesdyn]: Most deviant action, or are you not looking right now? Jesdyn [to fadethecat]: Well, he's looking, but since he's not going to do anything about it we don't need it nailed down right now. A Karst says, "We're" -- indicating the other Karsts -- "the latest batch rotating in for the border patrol. We're ready to go when you are." Neil says, "Glad to have you all. Let's get a move on." Draco smiles brightly at the Mercurian. "It's good to be heading out. And you are...?" Neil says, "Neil, with Judgment. I'll be escorting your group and the Vassal to Civis." Ekur says, "I'm Ekur, Vassal of Dreams. And Blandine suggested I carefully watch the path on my way down the Volcano, so it might be useful if you do so as well." Jesdyn [to fadethecat]: So -- Thais has been or will be simply ordered into duties not involving gallivanting around with Spock and Captain Destructo? fadethecat [to Jesdyn]: Presumably so, yeah. The GM says, "You head up the tunnels from the Refraction Chamber toward the Marches side of the Volcano and come out near the lip of the Caldera. A black granite stele near the tunnel mouth indicates that travelers should "Beware Free-Floating Prophecies," although as this is done in a briefly popular Eliite hieroglyphic style a grain of salt may be taken with the warning." Ekur . o O ( Might be useful if a Seraph resonated it anyway . . . ) fadethecat [to StevenE]: It's a command, rather than a statement. Not sure I can get truth out of that. Draco tucks two out of three pairs of glasses away in a pocket of the belt slung around his--well, about a third of the way down his length. The GM says, "Below you is a steep slope with occasional wafts of steam coming from fissures in the rock; below this is a misty expanse, the Marches seen from above. The Vale is lit with a sea of pinpoints faded with distance and cloud; the Far Marches beyond throw up pale glows of many colors. Civis is very clear to see." Neil whistles. Civis wasn't visible last time he went through here. Neil says, "Last time I was out here, Civis down there was just a green haze." Ekur says, "No wonder it's been attracting so many human dreamscapes." Draco peers ahead. "How /interesting/," he says, coiling himself about like a spring. "Has it been? Are there statistics written up about that somewhere?" [ snip msg'ing ] Neil snarls, Draco having hit an especially sore point. "None worth having. Lightning hasn't devoted much effort to charting human/Ethereal interaction." Ekur . o O ( Well, there goes my "The liason office has been getting a lot of paperwork about it, at least." answer. ) Jesdyn [to StevenE]: Nah, go ahead and correct him. Ekur says, "The liason office has been getting a lot of paperwork about it, at least. If nobody's been collecting stats, I can assign a staff member the job." Draco tilts his head about. "Because of how matters typically stand between Lightning and Dreams, or something else?" he asks Neil, and then rotates his head more towards Ekur. "I'd appreciate a chance to look at the statistics, if they're available. Or will become available." Jesdyn [to William]: Check me. Neil's view, from the last arc, is that Lightning has left some questions about the Marches open too long, and is being slow about getting answers he suddenly needs. Jesdyn [to William]: Is this a valid viewpoint, or do I need to tweak Neil's handling? Jesdyn [to William]: I'd assumed that Neil had some measure of standing and authority, even though he /did/ walk a beat. William [to Jesdyn]: This is Neil's personal opinion based on the interaction he's experienced with Lightning's knowledge of the matter. Lightning, presumably, would have a different perspective. But for Neil, it would read as his true opinion, backed by some experience. Jesdyn [to William]: Alright, just making sure I'm not making up setting out of whole cloth. William [to Jesdyn]: And Neil is a respected cop with definite seniority, insofar as this goes (i.e., within shades of actually-purchased GURPS Rank). Neil says, "I can't guess, Draco, and I don't plan on having to." Jesdyn [to William]: I assume Neil pressed for (and got) provisional authority to hire a Sorcerer as the Civis warden from the Tribunal? Jesdyn [to William]: I should've asked all this earlier. ): Sorry. William [to Jesdyn]: That's within your fairly broad authority anyway. Triads of One get that sort of leeway. Jesdyn [to William]: Right, /that's/ where I thought Neil's rank was coming from. Anybody who gets to Hire Extra Dudes is usually moderately influential. Neil shakes his head, and restarts the scene. The GM says, "At any rate, we're discussing the recent trend in attracting human dreamscapes, and the existence or lack of statistics therein." Neil says, "Lacking any real support from Lightning, I'm planning to hire some help to put those statistics together." skill 21 Draco_Resonance You rolled 9 and Draco_Resonance - succeeded by 12. Draco [to William]: Draco, for his part, was just wondering if the lack of Lightning help was because Dreams apparently gets all snarly and possessive whenever Sparkies want to poke around in the Marches. Ekur looks over to the Karsts. "I should have mentioned that. I'm the liaison between the security forces and the Domain administration. So when a boss makes you start doing something in a much more difficult way because of community sentiment? Usually my fault." Neil looks interested. "Oh, right. How many of you are familiar with combat in the Marches?" Draco raises a wing. Draco . o O ( For very, very large values of "familiar". He did not, after all, ask about being good at it. ) William [to Draco]: Neil certainly thinks he's telling the truth about Lightning falling down on the job, and does intend to rectify the matter. He's being snarky about what he perceives as sloppiness, because critiquing other angels is part of his job. He's not a scientific expert, though, and there's probably more to the story than apparent Lightning maladroitness. William [to Ekur]: The Karts who spoke earlier looks over at you and says earnestly, "Community sentiment is very important. I am sure we will understand." The GM says, "Community sentiment is *very* important to Karsts. For certain values of 'community.'" The GM says, "Well. Still on the lip of the Caldera prior to setting off, or are you holding this discussion on the move?" Neil says, "On the move, I think." Ekur nods. Ekur is walking in the lead, and keeping an eye on the path while talking. The GM says, "'k..." Neil says, "Actually -- these border guards. That sounds like law-enforcement, sort of." Jesdyn [to William]: Nah, never mind, too hard to arrange. William [to Neil]: It is, sort of. There's a military garrison and there's a police force. The two are certainly more intertwined than an American would be comfortable with, although there's at least a rough line dividing the two. The GM says, "The sky above darkens from the Light of Heaven to the star-spangled night of the Marches. The path is lit less by the glare of lava than by the roseate glow that comes from the top of Blandine's Tower. Shadows are long and dark. All of this so far is normal." The GM says, "The transition between Heaven and the Marches occurs. Each of the Karsts simply continues wearing their celestial forms. You three?" skill 18 Ekur_Perception You rolled 15 and Ekur_Perception - succeeded by 3. fadethecat [to William]: Changing to the preferred ethereal image, right. What's the penalty on the roll? William [to fadethecat]: Since it's neither your Vessel form nor your celestial form, -3. Ekur keeps his Celestial form, but now dressed in the white suit he usually wears in Civis. Draco rolled 14 versus 23 and succeeded by 9. Jesdyn [to William]: I'll switch into Neil's usual blues. William [to Draco]: Easily done. Ekur rolled 9 versus 15 and succeeded by 6. Draco ripple-blinks, and then is abruptly much smaller, a silver-furred ferret wearing a tiny pair of glasses. William [to Neil]: Dreaming-2, as usual. Jesdyn [to William]: Did the last batch of Karsts use cel-form or something closer to human? Neil rolled 6 versus 18 and critically succeeded by 12. Draco [to Neil]: It's just your day for crits, isn't it? William [to Neil]: What 'last batch'? The last rotation of troops? Jesdyn [to William]: Yes. Ekur suggests we check the MOO code for modifications put in at Jesdyn's request. William [to Neil]: Ah. Cel-form's a pretty common default for angels fresh out of Heaven, especially if they don't have a Vessel yet. Jesdyn [to fadethecat]: Yeah, but this isn't Exalted. "Neil has leaped into his uniform pants, both feet through the legs at once! Seven successes! He is sublimely en-panted!" William [to Ekur]: You're the only one on the trip in a position to notice: the time it took to transfer down the locus was much shorter than it should have been. The Volcano is known to have different apparent positions in the Marches some days; today it seems to be bringing Heaven very close to the Far Marches. The GM says, "The rest of you haven't used the Volcano as a Marches Tether enough to notice." The GM says, "On the Marches side, you arrive past the Vale in the Border Marches. It's a short trip from here to Civis." Ekur says, "Well. Unusually short distance down the Volcano today. Very close to the Far Marches. I wonder if it's related to the recent spike in Dreamers around Civis. Hmmm." Neil says, "Say, think the Vale would be acting the same way?" The GM says, "The Karsts look around at the material of the Marches with interest. A couple of them begin discussing the geological-metaphorical nature of the grey sand of the inter-Domain wilds. A human dreamscape bobs along beside the caravan, apparently with the same destination in mind." Ekur says, "I'm reserving judgment, Neil. No idea. A good question, though." Ekur continues to guide the caravan to Civis, while edging closer to the dreamscape. Neil eyes the dreamscape. "Got some science herefor you, Draco." Draco lopes along between people's feet. "Has there been any research done yet on what types of dreams are being drawn towards Civis?" He looks up at the dreamscape bobbing along, and shrugs. "I'm not a Servitor of Dreams. I can't poke my head in there to take a look myself." A Karst looks over at you. "Ah, that's a dreamscape, is it?" skill 19 Ekur_AK(Marches) You rolled 14 and Ekur_AK(Marches) - succeeded by 5. Neil glances at Ekur. "Want to check it out? I can get these guys to Civis if you end up delayed." Ekur waits on the results of the roll, if any are going to be narrated. Otherwise will go ahead. The GM says, "The AK(Marches)? No, that was just navigation. You're headed toward Civis, of course. Carry on." Ekur says, "Well. As long as we're headed the same direction, it's safe enough, I think, to just go alongside. If it starts to diverge, yeah, I'll dive in and see what's happening, and you'll have to take over the guiding to Civis." Jesdyn [to William]: I've got AK (Marches) now too, so I'm comfortable with being left alone. fadethecat [to Jesdyn]: I think all three of us do, actually. Makes sense. Neil nods to the Karst, belatedly. "Yes, it is. And they're flocking to your protectorate -- and we don't know /why/." The GM says, "As it turns out, the dreamscape does not diverge; you all arrive at Civis, whereupon the dreamscape hesitates a moment and then wanders into the Wilderness sector." Neil says, "You'll be protecting angels, our allied ethereals, /and these human dreams/ while you guard Civis." The Karst nods. "And if those conflict, of course, the human comes first." Neil says, "Yes... if that's the best you can do." Neil says, "The Marches are... different from Earth and Heaven." Neil says, "Flexiblity is prized here, more than anything else." Draco scratches behind one ear. "You can say that again." Neil says, "You can find a way to meet all your obligations, if you can only find the right perspective." Ekur pauses. "Okay, Neil, could you run downtown with these guys and get them settled in? I'd like to see this dreamscape for myself, see if I can pick up anything." Neil says, "I'll be available if any of you want to practice combat here in the Ethereal before you see the real thing." Neil nods once. "Right, Ekur. Call me if you need me, the Judgmentmobile can get me to you. Not that it's likely. Rest of you gentlemen, let's get a move on!" Neil hustles off screen with the Karsts and possibly Draco. Ekur heads of to the Wilderness in pursuit of the dreamscape. Probably not significantly any different from the other ones that have been showing up, but perhaps yet another perspective will help crack the mystery. William [to Draco]: Which one would you prefer to head off with? Draco [to William]: Given that he can't enter the dreamscape anyway, he'll stick with Neil to get a look at Civis. The GM says, "Okay. Two plot threads, then... 1 we go with Neil, two with Ekur..." roll 1d2 On 1d2, you rolled 2. Ekur Splitting the party is FUN! ;) The GM says, "Neil and Draco head into town to get the Karsts settled and prepare to meet Dorotea later tonight. Ekur trots off into the Wilderness sector." The GM says, "It's a wild place, deliberately kept undeveloped from Radz' original state, except for the requisite radiation cleanup. The Bounding Range falls down into broken, rolling hills, with sand and grit whistling between sharp ridges and occasionally piling up in dunes. It would be an unpleasant place to live, but it has a certain rugged beauty." The GM says, "The dreamscape is a short ways ahead of Ekur. It drifts over a dune and leaves behind a sand castle the size of a small house in its wake. (Quite well sculpted, to a craftsman's eye.) It seems to be heading vaguely northeast from Southgate." Ekur puts on a bit of speed to catch up with the 'scape. William [to Ekur]: You catch up with it as it is crashing, bull-in-a-china-shop style, through a small garden of balanced rocks. You intend to enter it, I trust? Ekur says, "Yes." The GM says, "Right. That will take one use of Dreams (Corporeal)..." skill 14 Corp_Dreams You rolled 11 and Corp_Dreams - succeeded by 3. The GM says, "...at which you succeed. You find yourself in a dream of noise and machinery, with a small child in a running gunfight with a silly gun bigger than himself. You can interpret that the attacks he's making are sufficient to alter the Domain as he passes." Ekur will alter his icon to fit better into the dream. What's the kid wearing? The GM says, "Raggedy modern, a pair of shorts and a floppy longsleeve shirt. (He's about eight, roughly.)" The GM says, "Urban background; he leaps a barricade of overturned cars and you can sense the dreamscape pass over a gully." Ekur nods. Goes with something approximating that, then. After the change, will run out and say "Hey, kid," in . . . English, first. Jesdyn [to William]: I thought dreamscapes were absolutely self-contained. The GM says, "To the dreamer, they are. I was speaking metaphorically -- Ekur knows the lay of the land out here, and it appears that the dreamer's landscape is approximating the Domain's." William [to Ekur]: He points the gun at you. "Good guy or bad guy?" he shouts, also in English. Ekur says, "Good guy!" The GM says, "Come on then!" The GM says, "The child's enemies resume their ineffectual firing as he runs toward the goal, a shining glass-and-steel building in much better repair than the rest of this blasted urban landscape." Ekur joins the kid, dreamshaping up a gun and shooting at the things he shoots. "What is this place, anyway?" The GM says, "It's the city! The Tonton Makouts have been here for days and days. We're going to get rid of them all by blowing up their headquarters!" Ekur keeps an eye open, trying to find any clues as to why this dream didn't stay in the Vale. skill 18 Ekur_Perception You rolled 16 and Ekur_Perception - succeeded by 2. Ekur says, "Oh, and I auto-rez the kid." The GM says, "The child is excited/scared, driven by a half-understood goal. He knows he must destroy the building up ahead. Perhaps he will be safe then. What *you* understand is... that the two of you are not alone in this dreamscape." The GM says, "And the 'building' you are headed for is Temple." Ekur mm-hmms. Okay, action time. We'll try a Dreams (Celestial) to make the place . . . Disneyland, plus piles of all sorts of candy. skill 15 Dreams_Celestial You rolled 10 and Dreams_Celestial - succeeded by 5. The GM says, "The Song activates, and the requested change begins occurring." [snip NPC rolling; success announced ] The GM says, "A noticeable shiver runs across the landscape as an unseen force attempts to change the dream back to what it was, but your control of the dream is greater." The GM says, "You can now sense the viewpoint of the third party in the dream, which is presently disembodied." Ekur attemts to force the embodiment of the third party. Some sort of Lucid Dreaming roll at a penalty? The GM says, "Yeah, it's standardized. Change to another person is at -5." Ekur rolled 9 versus 13 and succeeded by 4. [ snip NPC rolling; success announced ] The GM says, "The being resists being brought into the open." A disembodied voice speaks to you as the child plays. "Candy will rot his teeth, you know." It chuckles nastily. Ekur says, "Dreams of candy are harmless. Are you going to leave voluntarily, or will we continue to contest our wills until I finally drive you from here?" The voice says, "I suppose I'll leave, then. There's always another human and another night. I'm told you can't even keep track of them all anymore..." The viewpoint moves toward the boy. "Here lad, wake up." Pause. "I said wake UP!" and a Shedite materializes in celestial form in front of the child. [ snip NPC rolling ; success announced ] Neil wah-hahs offscreen at the tentacle monster. Ekur put his hand on the shoulder of the kid and invokes Vassal of Dreams. Ekur . o O ( If I can get him into a pleasant dream fast enough . . . . ) The GM says, "The kid screeches! but, amazingly enough, doesn't wake up. And with VoD, your control of the dreamscape is secured as you float off toward the Vale. The Shedite looks around briefly, and says, "I'll pass, thanks," and dispossesses the child on the way. You leave him behind in the open Marches." Ekur stops, and CelTounges a message to Neil -- "Shedite in the dream. Tried to destroy temple. Invoked vassal power." William [to Ekur]: Well, you're in the Vale for the night at any rate. The kid's calm now. And dispossessed, too. The GM says, "Let's turn to Neil and Draco for a bit, although I'll want to call a stop at 9 ET." Ekur will ask the kid gently about where he lives and who his parents are and the like, then leave the dream to confer with other Dreams angels in the Vale until the night is over. Neil blinks off-- no, on-screen. "Gentlemen, there was a Shedite in that dream and it wanted to convince the human to wreck the native Temple. Someone can direct you to the City Hall; I... have some calls to make." The GM says, "(You have at this point gotten the Karsts settled; it is before Aaron and Dorotea arrive.)" Neil says, "Ah, we've already invited them? Okay." The Karsts nod and head off on their workday. Jesdyn [to William]: Have I picked up the Judgmentmobile from Special Duty? The GM says, "The ice cream vendor is now pedaling, yes." Draco stands up on his hind legs. "A Shedite? Do you mind if I come along to see how the investigation goes?" Neil says, "Certainly. I could use the help. Jump in. Judgmentmobile, Draco. Draco, our ride." Neil leaps in and tears off for Temple. Draco leaps in, and settles down with paws pressed on the windowsill to watch the scenery go by. "Does this happen often, around here?" Neil says, "Statistically speaking, 22 times in six years." Neil thinks it's been 22 sessions. Might be wrong. William We are presently in session 23. Jesdyn [to William]: Thought so. Couldn't resist that crack. Draco grins with sharp little teeth. "I should have been more precise. Do demon-guided dreamscapes attempt to wreak havoc on major local landmarks often?" William Perhaps in Session 42 I'll let you answer one CDaU question. ;^) Neil says, "Far as I knew, it was impossible." Neil tears down the rocky trail. Neil . o O ( /screams/ down. Darn it. ) Neil says, "First thing I'm going to do is find out if that was the first try." The GM says, "Zooming by pedestrians who seem to be already on the side of the road when the Judgmentmobile gets anywhere near them, Neil makes it to Temple in a few minutes and pulls up to the outer gates in a shower of gravel." Draco says, "I doubt the first attempt would be one making enough of a commotion to be noticed so quickly. But then, it depends largely on whether this is a coordinated or individual effort." Neil says, "Then make sure the guards are awake, talk to Priest, swing back by City Hall... we're going to have to work out a way to corral dreamscapes if they're security risks... " Neil stops murmuring to himself as he passes the gates. Jesdyn [to William]: Talk to the first guard I see, make my way through the monks, ask to see Priest ASAP. Sounds like the emergency is over, so now we start investigating. The GM says, "The monks at Temple bow quietly. The place has gotten much busier since the first days of Civis, and worshipers are bustling to and fro with brightly colored paint and detailed statues of Hindu gods every way you turn." The GM says, "The nearest monk is happy to direct you to Priest, who recognizes you. 'Ah, Neil!' says the saffron-robed cockroach. 'A pleasure to see you again.'" Neil smiles, briefly. "Likewise. Your temple has grown richer with faith." Neil says, "Unfortunately, someone just tried to blow it up." Neil says, "Ekur stopped it -- a Shedite riding a dreamer, we don't know much more right now." Neil says, "We just got in from Heaven, and I literally haven't stopped in with City Hall -- do you know anything about these attacks?" Draco examines one of the statues a little more closely, then scampers to catch up with Neil. He wouldn't want to miss out on the discussion. He resonates the robed cockroach, who seems to have local information. Priest's antennae wave, and you get the sense of anxiety. "This is the first I have heard of anything like this. Temple has had a peaceful and prosperous existence since Civis was founded, as promised." skill 21 Draco_Resonance You rolled 11 and Draco_Resonance - succeeded by 10. William [to Draco]: True to his knowledge. The statement he considers most false is the latter and this only due to a few isolated and very small incidents which he considers not worth mentioning because he does not consider them serious. William [to Draco]: (That'll stay active for the next few minutes, too.) Priest says, "What was the method of the attack? A Shedite, you said?" Neil nods. "A Shedite riding a dreamscape somehow presented a credible threat. Ekur won't be back from the Vale for several hours, so I can't tell you more than that right now." Priest nods. "That is... worrisome. As everyone knows, dreamscapes neither affect nor are affected by the Domains outside them, except in the very broadest emotional senses. If there were any way to herd dreamscapes, the entire Marches would know of it. Usually, presented with an obstacle they simply vanish to appear elsewhere." William [to Draco]: All of this is very true and common knowledge among ethereals who know much of the Marches beyond their own Domains. The most untrue phrase is 'as everyone knows,' because he's mentioning it to someone he considers a foreigner to the Marches who might conceivably not know. Neil says, "We've been busy, this last week. Meant to ask, since we're on the topic -- do you or... Yours... know anything about the increase in human dreamscapes in Civis?" fadethecat [to William]: Considers Neil a foreigner to the Marches, or Draco? I assume the former, since that's who's being addressed. William [to Draco]: Neil. Priest doesn't know Draco yet and doesn't even know whether you're an angel with Neil or an ethereal or just what. fadethecat [to William]: Gotcha. William [to Neil]: Priest says, "Well, we're pleased by it, of course. Those broad emotional senses I mentioned strengthen the strands of the Images and Domains in which the dreamscape is steeped, even if we don't raid it for Essence anymore." Priest says, "As to why it is happening... we simply assumed that Civis was developing a greater presence in the Tapestry. What that means in a more precise sense, I am no expert on." He taps an antenna on the ground. "Perhaps the scientists of Dreams or Lightning would know." Neil audibly grinds his teeth. "Yes. If I find any scientists with Lightning or Dreams, I'll be sure to ask them about it." William [to Draco]: I can't be echoing every NPC statement with a full disclosure of mundane background, so... um... poke me if anything particularly catches your attention, and I'll vice versa try to provide enough for color and any plot-relevant points. Draco rolls one eyeball at Neil, and rubs his nose thoughtfully. fadethecat [to William]: Oh, understood. If you could just give me any /unusual/ results when the resonance is turned on, that'll keep the headaches down. Neil says, "That's something we plan to consult them about... next, actually. I wanted to dash here first, though." Priest says, "Thank you for informing me." Priest says, "By the way... we agreed not to interfere with human dreamscapes. What exactly are we permitted to do if we come under direct assault by one of them?" Neil says, "Stay alert, and call me if something threatening approaches. I can enter dreamscapes if I have to." Priest says, "Very well." Jesdyn [to William]: This is a good time to note that Neil's getting close to serious Choir-based conflict. Jesdyn [to William]: Humanity's children as designed by God, it's not /just/ to render Ethereals as second-class citizens. William [to Draco]: Priest wishes very much to stick to his agreements, especially as Heaven could easily give Temple a lot of grief. But he doesn't intend to sit by while a kamikaze human dreamscape ruins Temple. Jesdyn [to William]: Humans don't get to win /every/ argument, but as it is, my instructions to Priest would be "run and take no action". Neil says, "I'll come running and try to divert the dreamer." The GM says, "Let's end the session here. When we start next time, Neil and Draco have a couple of tasks in Civis, one of which will be meeting Dorotea about the warden position, and then further investigation of the currently-uncovered plot." Ekur nods. Neil nods. Draco says, "Rah for tasks." William [to Ekur]: I'm sure you'll be back in Civis middle of next session at latest. And there may be some valuable information you get from the kid anyway, so I think I'll run that too.