Jesdyn materializes out of thin air. fadethecat swings into the room on a bit of rigging. fadethecat has made fadethecat's local name Thais Jesdyn has made Jesdyn's local name Neil Jesdyn has made Jesdyn's local description An affable man in blue, wearing Judgment's sigil on a badge and a thin golden halo above his head. William drops Steven a note. The GM says, "Give him 5 more, then we can meander on in to game today. Nothing special happening, so it's nothing to panic over if one player isn't in." Thais tum-de-doo. Thais says, "I wish these rooms had a better OOC command coded. In the other MU* I frequent >whatever will give you <> The GM says, "whatever" The GM says, "Ah well. It's another fresh new day in Civis, shortly after the Shadow incident." Arc 4.5: Entr'act The GM says, "Thais, you've been wanting to change your role in Civis for a while now. Would you like to pursue that? We could go through bringing it up with your superiors, then finding out what it takes to set up shop in town." fadethecat [to William]: I think I would, yes. fadethecat [to William]: Not /completely/ changing her role, just...adding a distinct community role based on what she does when not on duty. William [to Thais]: Your commanding officer leans back in his chair in the patrol HQ near Southgate in the Angels' Quarter. "Elaborate?" William [to Jesdyn]: If Steven shows up we can probably combine this with a small event I had in mind, but otherwise, maybe just hanging out and assisting your friend today? StevenE materializes in a burst of blackness as he teleports in from elsewhere in the MOO. The GM says, "Speak of the Elo." Jesdyn [to William]: Certainly -- ah. StevenE has made StevenE's local name ekur The GM says, "We'll run this bit with Thais for a few minutes and then set up the framing story with Ekur." Thais [to William]: Sorry for delay, was typing else-window. Shall be more prompt now. The GM says, "Not a prob, especially today." StevenE has made StevenE's local name Ekur Thais made a list, though she didn't actually bring it with her. "I believe that by setting up a source of finely-made swords here in Civis, eventually talismans, I may support the Word of the Sword, and Heaven's causes in general, over a period of time." She ticks off her main points on her fingers. "To begin with, a talisman weapon encourages the user to learn the appropriate skills and then use that specific weapon over other less powerful dreamed weapons. Humanity affects the ethereals here in the Marches, and in turn ethereals affect how humans see things. Spreading literal swords among the most honorable of ethereals further associates the two concepts whenever human minds encounter these things." fadethecat [to William]: (I pause OOC for a response, or can continue if you'd like.) The GM says, "The Malakite behind the desk motions for you to continue." Thais says, "Furthermore, talismans are expensive and sought-after, here among the ethereals. I have no intention of offering these weapons to those who would dishonor the blades, and I have a reasonable chance of being able to determine this, over a series of meetings. I feel that providing a material incentive for more honorable actions would be useful in the sometimes uncertain moral atmosphere of the Marches." She pauses, and coughs. "I do not intend to imply that people should be...bribed to honor. It wouldn't be honorable if they were. But it may be useful, for those who would already be inclined in that direction, to show signs of what honor may bring you. It is not wrong to reward virtue performed freely." Thais waits for any response to that before continuing to her third point. The officer says, "Oh, I would put that in terms of arming ethereals likely to be Heaven's allies. There's more than one way to look at that decision. At any rate, continue..." Thais smiles. "That too, of course. The third point is more personal, I must admit. I wish to connect more with the local community as something other than an enforcer of Heaven's laws. While this is an honorable job, it's not..." She hesitates minutely. "...always useful for connecting with other individuals. I hope that by providing a service with more direct benefits to the local ethereal community, I can form more connections to the actual community. I feel that it would be useful for me to learn how to deal with non-celestials on a more personal level." The officer smiles. "I regard this last point as more important than the previous. Remember, Civis' military presence is subservient to its diplomatic." He looks over your dossier. "I believe we can alter your basic patrol duties to account for spending time as a crafter and merchant. I see a note here that you've personally fought the demon that was behind the recent attack, and are under consideration for Sir Laurence's Hunt Attunement; if you get that, you'll be a unique resource we'll probably have to assign to responding to him. Other than that, though, I see no great difficulties." He signs a form and slips it into the file. "You are on personal recognizance for the next week. I understand there will be some shifting of real estate in the city soon, so try to set up shop and build relationships as you see fit." Thais beams, her ribbons sparkling merrily about her. "Thank you. Should I talk to the usual department about arranging space for a workshop and store front?" He looks up. "The resources we have for such things are to be devoted to projects originated further up the command line. I think your first task in cementing ties to the ethereals of Civis will be finding a landlord... good luck." Neil . o O ( "Well, if you don't ask Neil about zoning, he'll probably kill us all." ) William (and with that we actually connect to Ekur's scene, unless Thais has any more questions?) fadethecat [to William]: Nope! Works for me. Thais . o O ( Thais needs to convince an ethereal to rent out workspace and storefront--well, workspace alone to begin with--to a cop. Malakite. Of the Sword. This could be...interesting. ) The GM says, "Ekur, you're with Matthias and Jack in an office in Jack's mansion, poring over maps. Matthias is explaining that it's time again to shift the 'lab conditions' in Civis, and combine that with a diplomatic initiative as well." Ekur . o O ( "Oh, no, Mr. Ethereal, I'm *not* suggesting that you might be filled with spiky metal for refusing to rent. That would be dishonorable." ) Matthias draws his finger down the line that separates the Angels' Quarter and the Ethereals' Quarter. "Most cities on Earth just don't divide themselves like this anymore. Of the few that do segregate along racial lines deliberately, most have poor long-term intercommunity relations." Matthias says, "We need to integrate the angelic and ethereal populations more. Having angels moving in to the Ethereals' Quarter is simply a matter of ordering them, of course, but we also want ethereals moving in to the Angels' Quarter to live and do business." fadethecat [to StevenE]: Am I the only one suddenly picturing a reality TV show where angels and ethereals swap roommates for a month, and wacky hijinks ensue? Matthias says, "Ekur, I'd like you to spend a few days putting out word about this and talking to beings on the street with whom you're in contact. Get a feel for the likely responses, and conditions that would make the move easier on everybody." Matthias says, "Report back in a few days, or whenever you feel like you have important information." Ekur nods. "Even eliminating the formal division, it seems likely we might wind up with de facto sgregation, like, oh, Detroit. How far do we want to go to combat that tendency? Matthias says, "Obviously, the human ideal is complete integration. We run across an imbalance in the species differences between angels and ethereals, which don't exist in human races, so our model has an unavoidable flaw there. I'd say, put out feelers about various levels of aggressiveness in combating that. Do we want to go for forced busing, or not? That sort of thing." Ekur nods, comes to respectful attention, and leaves. William Come to think of it, I wonder if an angel of Stone *would* regard complete integration as the ideal. They do tend to like small, homogenous communities.... William [to StevenE]: What's your plan? StevenE [to William]: Just what Ekur was considering bringing up to other angels, to keep an eye on Matthias for him. Was going to start by talking to . . . sigh, can't remember his name. The tough-guy supporter of Jack, first. Neil says, "Yazz." The GM says, "Yes, Yazz." Ekur ooc, "Yeah, Yazz first." The GM says, "Yazz is out front in the hall, corralling some Council members. He's replaced some rubber in the outfit with leather, though he's still bald as an egg, musclebound and carrying an axe. And a clipboard, today." Ekur nods in a friendly manner at Yazz. "You have a few minutes?" Yazz motions at a petitioner to sit down, and looks over at you. "'long as Jack's still busy. 'sup?" fadethecat [to William]: Axe...and clipboard. That's beautiful. Ekur says, "Matthias and Jack are talking about reorganizing the city, moving over to an integrated Ethereals-and-angels model. What's your gut reaction to the idea?" Ekur auto-rezzes Yazz. No particular action in mind. Yazz thinks about that for a second, then says in his Aussie accent, "Y'mean mixing up the Quarters?" William [to Ekur]: He's unperturbed by the prospect. Ekur says, "Yeah, getting rid of the separate Quarters, encouraging integration." William [to Ekur]: An idea occurs to him, and he experiences a twinge of anxiety, albeit mild. "I kinda like me house as it stands. Got a view of Temple. Hate to move meself. Not against the concept overall, though." Ekur tries to think of any Ethereal groups that may have come to his attention as being likely to be opposed, and also asks Yazz, "You know anybody likely to raise a stink about the idea in general?" Yazz thinks about that. "Yeh. There were some fellows what were starting up a Neighborhood Association in the Temple District. You know, people tend to move there when they like Civis but wanted to be as far away from the angels as they could... 'twas where that ruckus last month started up. Some of the fellows around there might not be too keen on the prospect of Seraphim moving in down the street." Ekur says, "They may have a perspctive that will bring a fuller understanding of the issues involved. Hopefully, they'll speak to me. Thanks." A council member seated nearby speaks up. "I represent that district, and I assure you allusions to any fomenting of rebellion will be taken poorly by the good and honest citizens of the area. Furthermore, if this discussion goes much further forward I remind you that there are historic structures in that area which will need to be preserved for the sake of the continuing nature of Civis as a Domain." Yazz mutters, "Old windbag." William [to Ekur]: The ethereal who speaks is emotionally feeling a bit pompous and self-absorbed, and is motivated mainly by the desire to have an important-seeming say in the matter. Ekur says, "Councilmember, I am merely looking to get a full appreciation of the possible issues involved in integration. For this, I need to hear all the arguments on all the sides of the issue. It's what Elohim do, after all." The councilman nods, appearing mollified. Ekur says, "What structures, in particular, are you most concerned about preserving?" The councilman hesitates and searches his memory. "The area formerly known as Easterly, of course. Historically, it housed enchanters and servicepeople for Temple, and it has remained undeveloped and houses mostly original Radz citizens, whom I would like to see remain there undisturbed. And Temple itself, of course, though that agreement is already well-known, of course I do not mean to imply anything there." Ekur nods encouragingly. "Thank you for your input. It has been most helpful." The councilman says, "Of course. I remain at your convenience should you wish further guidance in the region." Ekur smiles, nods, and leaves for the temple district. William [to Neil]: I think it's safe to say you're patrolling the Temple district today... Jesdyn [to William]: Sounds good. Jesdyn [to William]: No doubt I'll be Ekur's first choice for the kind of delicate social manuvering Mercurians are famed for. Thais . o O ( That /other/ Mercurians are famed for... ) Ekur . o O ( Delicate social maneuverings /in the head/. ) The GM says, "Or you could just happen across each other. Make it so!" GM goes *ting* Neil says, "'Afternoon, Ekur. Surprised to see you out here." Ekur nods to Neil. "Quiet patrol?" Neil says, "So far." Ekur says, "You happen to know the Neighborhood Association folks? I'm gathering information for matthias, and could use their input." Jesdyn [to William]: I assume I do? William [to Jesdyn]: Yes, I'd definitely say it's part of the job of a cop to be aware of such groups in his area of patrol. The GM says, "I'll page you some data..." [ paging, paging... ] Neil [to William]: More coming, or is this what I know? Neil snarls. [ paging, paging... ] William [to Jesdyn]: Done now. Jesdyn [to StevenE]: Yes. Seems a nice group, but with nasty anti-celestial undertones. Caused us some trouble with groundless accusations of unjust or inappropriate law enforcement tactics. Neil [to Ekur]: Big believers in the Ethereal Heresy. Neil [to Ekur]: Mostly they don't want angels poking around their district. Neil [to Ekur]: Something come up? Ekur hmms. "Well, then. Not a group that would be enthusiastic about an effort to eliminate the quarters system and begin wull celestial-ethereal integration, eh? Neil says, "They'd be vehemently against it, possibly to the point of departure -- and that only if they couldn't get away with rebellion." Ekur says, "And yet, Matthias is Stone, and this sort of organization is the sort of thing Stone encourages, at least among humans and angels. Neil, have you been getting any strange orders recently?" Neil [to William]: Err, line? William [to Neil]: By assumptions of the arc, nothing odd has been happening since the last arc... Neil [to Ekur]: Nothing out of the ordinary. Ekur says, "It's probably nothing, and I'm leaping at shadows. In any case, do you know any relatively moderate and discreet members of the Association we could talk to?" William [to Neil]: For further questions along this line, feel free to make up anything that doesn't clash with canon so far. Neil says, "Moderate and discreet is not a keynote for this association... still, I know a man we could speak to." Neil . o O ( But I can't think of a /name/ for this imaginary contact. ) William ( Xiao Li ) Ekur nods. "Like I said, relatively. I don't expect miracles, at least much more than a half-percent of the time." Neil says, "Well, my shift was nearly ending anyways; someone else will take over soon enough. Xiao Li's shop is a close drive from here." Ekur nods. "Thanks." Li is an enchanter/artist who lived in Easterly from the early days of Radz. He specializes in Chinese musical instruments, talismans of the skills to play them. He's accepted as a member of the Association, despite refusing to take a stand on the Ethereal Heresy, because, well, they can hardly refuse a member from the heart of the very area they're claiming to represent. William [to Thais]: I also think it reasonable that Thais would be in the area of Civis historically associated with enchanters if she was asking questions about rents and setting up shop, eh? Neil . o O ( Maybe, but at this point the citizens of Radz may start to get... nervous... when the three of us show up in one place at once. ) Thais [to William]: Quite. Neil . o O ( Of course, they get nervous when any of us show up anywhere at all, so there you go. ) fadethecat [to William]: Not that she's by any means unintelligent, but she can be a bit...deliberately unaware of certain social nuances. William And besides, it's something that can be glossed a bit for the sake of getting our players on one screen. Neil enters the shop to the tinking of a graceful bell he's completely incompetent to properly name, and sees Xiao Li and Thais conversing quietly in a otherwise-empty store, soon to close for the evening. Ekur will, if Thais is there first, sit back and listen to any Li-Thais interaction first, to have an opportunity to resonate and get a feel for Li. Thais looks up at the bell, and offers a cheery wave to the other angels, before returning to the conversation about recommended business practices, areas to set up business, and so forth. The GM says, "Li's shop is a dim two-room building with the upturned ends of a cozy Chinese house. The back is his house; the front is the place for making, tuning, enchanting, and selling his wares, and there is hardly an inch of space with Li and the three of you there." Li looks at the two newcomers and pauses his conversation with Thais long enough to welcome you in Chinese-accented English. Li says to Thais, "So I really couldn't say too much about rents for the new shops. I've never had to pay anyone for this one, Jack was thrilled to get an enchanter of any kind moving to Radz in those days." Thais nods, still taking notes in a little notebook. "I appreciate the time, though. I should probably check on what sort of rent's standard for other types of shops in the space that I'll need." Neil says, "Need? You're opening a storefront, Thais?" Neil resonates Li and Thais; he's not likely to learn why Thais is suddenly feeling mercantile, but it'll give him some good questions if he needs them. Ekur auto-rezzes Li, wondering how Li would react to the bringing up of the topic of integration. Li says, "Having to start on credit may limit your options, but a skilled enchanter should be able to make decent money. I'm sure there are plenty of places you could find a landlord willing to rent out. Well. Maybe not in this *immediate* vicinity." skill 16 Neil_Rezzes_Li You rolled 12 and Neil_Rezzes_Li - succeeded by 4. Thais tucks away her notebook, and nods to Neil. "It seemed like a good idea to talk to someone who's been in the business since long before I even began thinking about it," she says. skill 16 Neil_Rezzes_Thais You rolled 11 and Neil_Rezzes_Thais - succeeded by 5. Neil . o O ( Oh, /awesome/. I'm going to get to threaten to beat on people because they might make Thais cry. ) William [to Ekur]: Li would be pessimistic about your chances around here but expect you to succeed eventually Domain-wide. Neil . o O ( Of course, if I try that trick we'll get to see how well Puppy-Dog Eyes work on Dominic, but -- even HE has to blow a roll sometimes, surely. ) William [to Jesdyn]: Li is well-esteemed in the community and knows it. He is personally involved with the neighborhood association both because he believes in their outer ideals -- which are his main goal -- and to limit the damage they do with their point of view. Thais looks over to Neil and Ekur. "And what brings you here today?" she asks, with an easy smile for them as well. "I don't think you're trying to open shops too. Though I would like to speak with you about blacksmithing at some point, Ekur." William [to Neil]: Thais has the usual info, and is seeking closer relationships to the ethereals of Civis. Ekur would like Li's emotional state/emotions too. Is trying to formulate an approach. William [to Ekur]: Li is, at present, feeling rather fatherly, with a touch of artistic fellowship, since an angel who makes stuff is an angel he has some common ground with. Neil ponders asking for Most Deviant Action data on the two, but is scared he's going to get something involving signed posters of Wrinth on Thais' wall. We'll leave well enough alone. William [to Neil]: I don't feel comfortable coming up with Thais', but Li's was misrepresenting the history of a talisman to a customer for a better sale price. This was a long time ago. Thais [to Neil]: *shifty-eyes* Jesdyn [to William]: Yeah, I don't like asking for MDA on PCs. Seems awfully mean. fadethecat [to William]: Would this be more deviant action /ever/, or in a certain time period? I'm trying to think of what Thais could do that would actually qualify... fadethecat [to Jesdyn]: Heck, I don't mind if you do ask. It's interesting on my side to try and think of what it would be. Ekur . o O ( Okay. So, drew two cards, and they're all still blank. Anybody else have anything they'd like to do, because Ekur's player is fuzzy-headed. ) William [to fadethecat]: It appears to be 'ever,' and the act chosen is the most deviant in the eyes of Judgment. Neil [to Ekur]: Time for more of my delicate social manipulation, I suppose. Neil BEATS ON PYRAMOO. BEATS IT. WITHOUT DISSONANCE, FOR HIS CAUSE IS SURELY JUST. Li looks over at you two. "Is there something specific I can help you with?" Neil [to Li]: "Yes, there is. We were hoping to ask you about some proposals on the table at City Hall." fadethecat [to William]: Hmm. I shall ponder that one a little. 'cause now I'm curious... William [to Neil]: "Okay..." Thais listens intently, and wonders if this has to do with the higher-priority government issues that send her out seeking rental arrangements on her own. Jesdyn [to fadethecat]: Mine was "Got away with fooling Dominic about his role in the O'Leary fracas," which worked great until eight tenths-of-a-second later when it showed up in his aura... (No, not canon. Unless William lets me get away with it.) Neil [to Li]: "I understand that Matthias is looking to shuffle the playing field in Civis and integrate the Angel's Quarter with the ethereal parts of the city. Any comment on it?" fadethecat [to Jesdyn]: I'm looking at Thais, trying to think "deviant!", and coming up...either blank or Wrinthy, but I'm not sure thinking an Impudite is cute is considered deviant even by Judgment's standards. I mean, it's objectively true... Neil [to Li]: "How we do it, or even if we do it at all, is still under question. I'd just like to know what you think of it, and who you think we might want to sound out further." William [to Neil]: Li says, "Ah, that's why you came to me. Heh. Well, the Neighborhood Association will loudly protest any significant increase in the angelic population around here, but to be honest I think there are enough people who don't really care as long as the rent is paid, that you shouldn't have trouble finding places." Li [to Neil]: And, of course, walk 5 blocks from here and their voice isn't so loud, either. Ekur says, "What sort of protests?" Li pauses to think that over, then says to Ekur, "Oh, they don't strike me as the kind of folk to turn violent. Radz has changed a little since those days. You might find your businesses lacking a significant customer base, which would more effectively defeat the purpose of moving here in the first place." Li says, "Of course, if they were services only the angels could provide, it might not matter. I've signed a Divine Contract or two myself already." Ekur says, "This is going to sound strange but . . . if what is called the ethereal heresy is true, then we're all Ethereals. So why would a holder of that belief object to the Ethereals who come prepackaged in Choirs?" Thais blinks once at Ekur, but does not comment on that particular line of approach on the conversation. Neil . o O ( Because we have /style/. ) Li laughs. "I've always assumed it was because you're bigger than they were, and they're afraid of you." Thais [to Neil]: And ribbons! Don't forget the ribbons! Li holds up two fingers close together and says jokingly, "Perhaps if you started by sending over some very small angels..." Neil . o O ( Because we have /style/, and ribbons, and, uhm, Ekur. Yes. Ekur, who I must point out we do not intend to imply does /not/ lack style. Or ribbons. ) Thais . o O ( If Ekur wants ribbons, Thais could help him choose good ones... ) Neil . o O ( There may be one too many "nots" there... ) Ekur nods. "Of course, they're not likely to want to come out and say that they're afraid. I wonder if that line of argument could help defuse tension, by making discrimination look vaguely foolish, or if it would backfire." Thais grins at Li. "I'm not sure if I'd fear for the relievers or the ethereals, if we began sending those over. They can be deadly in their cute." William [to Ekur]: Li says seriously, "Backfire I suspect. It's rarely calming to call a bully out on his cowardice. But then, you are the type of angel that calculates such things, are you not?" Neil [to William]: Are there any relievers in Civis? If only on field trips? I can't imagine they'd be allowed in what amounts to a frontier town, not without Zadkiel sitting /right there/ with a shotgun. Jesdyn [to StevenE]: Thank god you are, 'cause I'm surely not. Thais [to Neil]: ...I fear any relievers field trip we end up leading around town. William [to Neil]: Yes, there are a few. 7- and 8-Force Relievers are 'bigger' than most Ethereals, and as the rough equivalent of late adolescents for angels are considered capable of handling some duties. Jesdyn [to fadethecat]: You realize that we're finally on the brink of breaking through the Fanfiction-AU barrier and coming out on the other side, running a "all the characters are the same but they're in high school together OMG so zany" school? Ekur says, "Elohim like to see all sides of an issue before committing to action, yes. At least when there's time to do so." fadethecat [to Jesdyn]: Eek. Pull back! Pull back! Ekur . o O ( Ekur wearing ribbons. Hmm. Well, it would solve the "barcoding" issue. ) Neil settles down and lets Ekur do the grown-up talking. Ekur decides to turn the question around. "Do you see any benefits to integration, or do you think things would be best served by keeping the quarters separate?" Li takes a long time to consider that one. After about two minutes thinking, he waves his palm and invites you in to the back room, where there is much more space and a lit window. He dreams up a steaming teakettle and pours himself a cup, sitting crosslegged on a blanket, the only furniture back there. Li takes a sip of the tea. "Angels make good crafts. They are willing to teach. I have learned from them in the past in my travels and value the experience. I do not believe I would be outmatched by any but an exceedingly good angelic craftsman. Personally, I think I would benefit." Li says, "I arrived here before Radz was a very safe Domain. These days, there is room for many newcomers, and work for them to do. This is the result of Heavenly presence. I think that further integration would accelerate this process, and I think the newcomers in this neighborhood ought to be more grateful for it." Li says, "This is a position I can take in quiet conversation with the people of this district. But I would be in less of a position to speak my mind to many of the others here if I made this position loudly known. I trust you see my point." Neil . o O ( Hmm. He'll need no convincing. So... instead of preaching to the choir, I suppose we need to go strike up the band. ) Ekur says, "Oh, certainly. And if things go forward, a quiet and privately reasonable voice inside the Association will likely be worth several openly-declared voices that members of the Association will not listen to. I'm glad; if you wish to remain discreet, then I don't have to convince you that I think you should remain so." Li says, "I am glad we understand each other." Li looks around, and offers the kettle. "You'll have to dream up your own cups..." Thais does so, a delicate little china cup, and accepts the offer of tea. fadethecat [to William]: Assuming I can fiat something that simple. Shall roll if you'd like. Ekur rolled 8 versus 18 and succeeded by 10. Neil takes the opportunity to practice -- he envisions nothing at all, just a curved bit of space inexplicably nonpermeable. skill 18 Neils_Thing You rolled 14 and Neils_Thing - succeeded by 4. The GM says, "You all get your various cups, Neil's causing Li to raise an eyebrow." Neil coughs. "Sorry. Working on my dream shaping for a project." William I'm sort of blanking on options at this point. What are your general plans? Ekur says, "I thank you for your opinions and advice. All quite valuable data." Jesdyn [to William]: I have none. We've investigated, decided it's a reasonable idea without foreseeable flaws; we're gonna recommend the discussion go up for a vote and deal with opposition when it arises. Jesdyn [to William]: That's pretty much /always/ our Plan A. Ekur I'm not really sure what to do next. Any suggestions as to someone else we shoudl talk to? Or Ethereals bursting into the room with guns? Neil says, "Or we /could/ just call it a night and pull out this arc when next William needs a break." fadethecat [to William]: Thais is a touch distracted in trying to work out how to politely approach ethereals for the purpose of renting a space without accidentally implying that this has the weight of government behind the request. Neil says, "This could easily be an argument Matthias /loses/, at first, which is revisited as he gets new ideas or just plain gets aggravated at Civis." William I'm not coming up with anything that grabs me for another hour or so of gaming. It's all off the cuff right now. The GM says, "Let's call it." Thais nods. fadethecat has deleted all of their local references. StevenE has deleted all of their local references. All local names and descriptions have been cleared.