StevenE has made StevenE's local name Ekur fadethecat has made fadethecat's local description A young woman in black leather pants and a white linen blouse. She wears sparkling ribbons twisted into her black hair. fadethecat has made fadethecat's local name Thais You're in Pfluviak's, a neutral-ground bar in the Border Marches. You've received word of two possibilities for a Domain to site Civis in: one is Radz, a young Domain that sounds like it has some fighting going on, and another is a pair called Selkirk and Roxburgh -- unpopulated, apparently, though why is a mystery. There is a short, bespectacled guy in a white coat who has brought you word of the latter two, a couple of other customers in the bar, the bartender Pfluviak himself, and some guys that left a minute ago. ------------------ Arc 1, continued: Location, Location, Location ------------------ Neil says, "We could go to Radz and see what they're fighting over, or we could head to Selkirk and... see what they were fighting over." The short guy steps back and lets you talk. Neil says, "I'd prefer Selkirk, since we'd probably have to beat up /two/ factions to take it." Thais frowns thoughtfully. "I'd prefer a more active location with obvious dangers to a deserted place where I don't know what might have happened, or if it's still going on." Ekur says, "Me, I wonder what the Black Oaths are." Neil says, "Either a bunch of Virtues of Purity or a bunch of guys who don't mind annoying them." Neil says, "I don't know which prospect I like less." The short guy interjects quietly, "I've been to quite a few Domains in my wanderings; I can lead you to either you like." Thais looks down at the ethereal, and then back to Neil. "Tsayadim could be...problematic," she points out, quietly. Ekur nods. "That's my instinct. And I think a realm of factionalized Ethereals would be easier to turn into Civis than a domain run by fanatic Outcast Virtues." Thais cannot have a very high opinion of any angels who insist on running around wreaking havoc, even if it is in the Marches, once their Superior has gone. Proper angels follow the line of command, and would return to get more instructions from Laurence. Neil says, "You're both right. But I'm very worried about the Tsayadim. We can only put off dealing with them for so long." Neil says, "Settle on Radz, but sooner or later take a quick peek at the what's going on in the other two?" Neil wonders if you could treat the Tsayadim as just a very long-lived street gang. Gangs he knows. Thais nods. "I don't see any problems with this plan. I'm happy to leave the decision to those with more experience in such things." Ekur says, "At least mention it to our superiors, but we do have an assignment, and I'd rather start by trying to fulfil it by taking the most likely possibility." Ekur smiles at the short Ethereal. "A journey to Radz would seem to be in order." He nods. "Very well. It's just past the Wakening; we might be able to make it before next if we begin now." Thais blinks at Ekur, and then decides an Elohite would only agree to this course of action if it were most efficient and holy. Thais . o O ( I'll just have to keep an eye on the ethereal. Just in case. ) He nods to Pfluviak and heads outside, to muffled thumping from the moat guards. Ekur keeps his auto-resonate turned on the Ethereal to watch for emotional signs of treachery, and follows. Neil sings a quick Song of Celestial Tongues to Matthias. "Heading to Radz -- need info on Radz Selkirk Roxburgh 'Black Oaths' when possible." Past the moat guards, your guide is apparently standing and visualizing his destination. "If you have not traveled much in the Marches as a group, try to focus mainly on thinking of staying with me. If you get separated, aim for a land of desert and motorized warfare full of strange energies." He sets off. Neil clears his mind and concentrates on following. Ekur follows with the easy confidence of an experienced Marches traveler. Thais diligently concentrates on following Ekur, on the theory that one can't entirely trust an ethereal not to try to confuse people. The mists of the Marches thicken around Pfluviak's in the distance behind you. You walk, it seems, surrounded by thin fog lit in the distance by will-o-wisps, smooth sand underfoot. Going to run Jesdyn's 'intro scene' since we couldn't last week... William [to Neil]: You become aware that the mist is thickening slightly more in your vicinity, separating you slightly from your travelling party even as you continue to easily keep up with them. A patch of the Marches to your left becomes intensely dark, until the lights within it localize to points of brightness. You become aware that you are being regarded by Dominic. It's time for your weekly visit. The rest of your party is apparently oblivious. Neil bows. "Most Just." "My servant," says Dominic. "How fares your mission?" Neil says, "Acceptably. We're investigating Radz, a contested domain whose conflict we understand, rather than investigate two mysterious domains probably controlled by the 'Black Oaths'. We'll look into those once we have a grip on Radz." The warm touch of Dominic's powerful resonance drifts over your words as you speak. "It is wise to seek certainty in the Marches," he says. "Much is illusory here. Be such a point of certainty for your fellow angels, to guide them. Do you experience any lingering self-doubt from your Role's recent abrupt end?" Neil says, "... yes." William: Elaborate on details that the Seraph resonance might pick up? Neil . o O ( Guilt overshadows doubt. He didn't /really/ err, it was just bad luck. He could've done better, sure, but he did the best he could. ) "What is done must be accepted. Meditate upon it and learn from it when you have the opportunity, but for now focus on your present duties without distraction. Go in justice." Neil bows again. "Thank you, Most Just." William [to Neil]: A quick check to see, is there anything you want to ask of him before he goes? Neil [to William]: Yes. The presence continues its examination of your inner state. "You have a request of me." Neil says, "If you have a moment, my lord... Matthias' mandate explicitly specifies congress and commerce with Ethereals. How should I approach these limits?" Neil says, "Also, is there a specific Triad you would prefer I contact if I find one is needed?" A swishing, as of a cloak. "The relevant law prohibits Ethereals from trafficking with humans or going to Earth. Current policy of the Seraphim Council is that any benefits accruing to Ethereals are to be those passively generated to all beings by greater Heavenly presence: stability, safety, beauty, and the like. You may associate with Ethereals such as the one guiding you now, that wish to serve; do not countenance greed or hubris." "As for Triads, you are to act independently unless extraordinary circumstances occur." Neil says, "One last question -- the Tsayadim. They will come. Should I protect peaceful Ethereals from them?" Neil says, "Extending the concept of 'protection' to the city in general may eventually involve large-scale preemptive attacks against them." "The orphans of Purity legally have the status of Outcast. Shun them; neither help nor hinder them unless their activities affect your own mission. Be prepared to defend your protectorate, from /any/ threats." "Surely Judgment knows to our sorrow that threats can indeed come from our fellow angels." Neil nods. "Yes, my lord. Thank you for your guidance." The presence fades. As it vanishes and the mists thin to reunite you with your party, you hear one last whisper: "You are hunted." Neil . o O ( Very broad orders. He doesn't wish to be the reason this fails. I'm feeling pretty--- great. ) Neil [to William]: Can I see the whole party? William [to Neil]: Yep, you're back with everyone. Neil draws back a little from -- the guys whose name we don't know -- and murmurs to Thais and Ekur, "Dominic says we're being hunted." William: "Perception rolls." Ekur rolled 10 versus 18 and succeeded by 8. Thais rolled 10 versus 17 and succeeded by 7. William [to fadethecat]: skill Ekur says, "Hmm, well. We went into a bar and mentioned angels, and ethereals left. Almost certain there were spies among them." Neil [to William]: You need a test against what, IQ? William [to Neil]: Yeah, modified by any levels of Alertness (hearing, in this case, but none of you have that). Thais says, "I wonder who'd be ready to hunt down three angels." Neil [to William]: What am I supposed to type? William [to Neil]: 'skill 18 Hearing' Ekur says, "Which is why I mentioned the fictional Triad hunting me. I wanted to throw confusion in our wake, just in case." Neil [to William]: It keeps crashing. William: "Huh. Okay, I rolled." Thais says, "Oh. I thought you were just saying that so that people would be more likely to consider you safe to speak with." Now that you've each listened for it, there is the dream-sound of footsteps -- several groups of them -- around you. Some behind, and some to the sides trying to move ahead. Your guide, intent on his path, appears oblivious at the moment. Neil [to William]: How difficult is it to dreamshape a gun? If it's too tricky or too long, I'll just rely on Judo. Neil moves forward near the small man and resonates him. Neil says, "I'm sorry, but it just occured to me we never asked you your name." William [to Neil]: Easy Dreaming roll. skill 18 Resonance You rolled 18 and Resonance - succeeded by 0. William slaps his forehead and eyes fade wryly. Remember our first session? fadethecat [to William]: Er. Yes? The extreme rolls are happening again. O_o fadethecat [to William]: ...hee. William [to Neil]: You get the name 'Doctor,' and according to your Judgment-enhanced Resonance, the most deviant behavior he ever committed was joining the Subsumers to try to become a demon, modeling himself on the Balseraph. Physically, he turns to you. "My name? Oh, Dr. Bloom. I think it's the name of the dentist my dreamer modeled me on." Thais . o O ( ...he's based on a dentist? We're /doomed/. ) Neil [to William]: Social network -- friends and allies? Preferably a medium size group of them he might recently have colluded with? William [to Neil]: That information appears to be null from this resonance. Ekur [to William]: Any emotional reading on whether he is actually oblivious to our hunters? Neil . o O ( If someone has a bright idea before I pick a fight, this would be a good time. ) fadethecat [to Jesdyn]: Don't look at me, I'm cluelessly cheerful and vaguely suspicious. William [to StevenE]: At the moment, he is calm and focused. At what I describe next, he becomes surprised and frightened. The footsteps have now passed you and hurry in front of you, stopping. There are at least some of them in all directions. They become audible to Bloom as they will themselves to be known to your party. The visible area of the mists clears and widens. You are surrounded. Neil [to William]: I didn't mean /you/. Ekur swears, and spends two Essence to summon his sword and shield. There are five of them, and today they wear the shape of wolves. There is one each to your left, right, and behind, and two in front of you. Ekur, your emotional resonance obtains hunger, linked with avarice and aggression. Thais takes Ekur's action to be an unspoken command, and pulls up her own sword. Neil says, "I grab Dr. Bloom and move to the third point of the triangle we three form." Ekur says, "They're hungry and aggressive, guys." Ekur says to the wolves, "We're more than you can handle. I suggest you leave us alone." A taller one with a silver stripe on his back steps forward into the circle. He speaks in English. 'We *are* Hunger, spirit,' he says. 'We smell a strand-brother among you. Give him to us, and avoid battle.' Neil resonates the speaker, looking for information that could divert him or undermine his position among his fellows. Ekur [to William]: How would he react to my saying, "He's our guide, and under our protection. Look for other prey, and avoid death." William [to Neil]: His name is Striped, his Image really is that of a wolf (unlike some of his allies, who are simply wearing the shape), and he imagines himself leader of the pack, which he basically is. If sufficiently wounded a subordinate might take the chance to grab his position. Ekur . o O ( Auto-Eloh-Rez, give me a sign . . . . ) William [to Ekur]: He outnumbers and surrounds you; he would likely attack unless you could produce a convincing show of force. Ekur says, "Could you be satisfied with something less than our guide?" You've succeeded in confusing him. 'Like what?' he growls. fadethecat [to William]: ...I'm trying to remember. Did I ever ping our guide for honor? Neil stops cocking his foot and turns to Ekur. "Like what?" William [to fadethecat]: *searches log* Not yet; you ping'ed Pfluviak last game. Ekur [to William]: How would he react to an offer of a bit of Essence? Neil . o O ( You can pay the Great Danegeld, but you'll never be rid of the Great Dane. ) fadethecat [to William]: ...hmm. I shall go ahead and ping now, then. Thais isn't too happy about hearing her guide is associated with these. William [to Ekur]: He'd accept a sufficient amount. Thais rolled 12 versus 17 and succeeded by 5. Ekur says, "Would Essence satisfy your pangs long enough to find other prey?" Neil . o O ( Saaaaaaaay, there's an idea. ) William [to Thais]: The three most ignoble things... sod this, I'm altering the Malakite table a bit. The most ignoble thing he's done within the last year was leave a patient to a sudden attack by a group of frightening spirits. He considers it dishonorable in general to lie or otherwise break faith. Striped considers your offer. 'One each for each of my men, two for me.' Thais looks at Ekur. "Do you really think this is wise?" Ekur says, "Thais, Neil, Doctor, what do you think?" Neil says, "Not after the last fight. We have only four Essence left among us." Neil says, "We could give it all to them, but who would go hungry?" Neil is backing this up with Acting. William [to Neil]: Roll it. Neil rolled 3d6 and got 4. Thais blinks a few times at Neil, but keeps her mouth shut. William: Striped says, "The runts can hunt for themselves. Hand it over." This elicits growls of disappointment from the two wolves to your right and back. Striped says, "The runts can hunt for themselves. Hand it over." This elicits growls of disappointment from the two wolves to your right and back. Thais . o O ( Right. Lying. I studied this sort of things in classes. I'll quiet. ) Dr. Bloom bites his lip and looks at Neil too. Neil turns to his right, keeping Striped in peripheral vision. "I'm really sorry. Don't worry, you'll be strong enough to get your share soon enough." Neil . o O ( I'm not going to push our luck; if there isn't a giant flurry of violence /right now/ I'm going to hand my two points to Striped. ) Ekur [to William]: Okay, if we hand over the four Essence, what will Striped do? -Ekur Accept and leave, probably to hunt again. William [to Ekur]: Accept and leave, probably to hunt again. Ekur says, in a low voice, "Okay, one Essence from each of us?" Thais says, "As you say." William: Bloom says, "All right." Bloom says, "All right." Ekur nods, and sends a point of Essence to Striped. Neil sends his point to Striped as well. Bloom approaches the lieutenant next to Striped and adds a wisp of light to the flow for him. Thais reluctantly passes on a point of Essence to the other lieutenant. And does not let go of her sword. Ekur says, "If I didn't expect combat in Radz . . . ." Four notes of Disturbance ring out, and the Essence is absorbed by your hunters. Striped barks, and the pack flows away from you to gather on him. Ekur sheathes his sword, but does not dismiss it or his shield. "Well, Dr. Bloom, lead us on." Neil . o O ( Glad Dominic went to the trouble to warn me about the attack. We did so well against it. He hadn't even been away ten minutes and I get to explain how we defeated the enemies of Heaven by writing checks. ) The Doctor shakes his head, as if to clear it. "Uh... yes." He begins walking. "Strange... I thought you would fight, not cave. Angels probably could have cleaned those guys' clocks." Neil will dreamshape a gun while they walk. Nothing fancy, just something he can concentrate through. Neil [Bloom]: We're expecting trouble later, and healing's more expensive than bribery. Thais looks down at her sword. "I...suppose Ekur has more experience in how these things work." Ekur . o O ( Wow. I thought the Swordie and the Judge would have said no. ) Ekur . o O ( Next time, I should resonate them first. ) fadethecat [to StevenE]: Swordie is in awe of your Experience, man. And your l33t Elohite objectivity. "Yes, I... suppose so. You should know, that, um, may happen again. Hunger spirits are one of the most common kind in the inter-Domain Marches." Neil [to Ekur]: Five-to-three with a possible soft target to protect? Not too comfy with that, and I've never engaged in ethereal combat in my life. Neil [Bloom]: "Next time we may fight -- or next time I may manage to get them to tear each other apart while we flee." Ekur . o O ( Well, then. It resolved in a way *none* of us expected. Um. On to Radz? ) "Right, then. Forward ho." Thais watches Bloom's back, and considers. "Why did they specifically want you, anyway?" Neil doesn't know enough Marches lore to try to figure out what Bloom's hungry /for/. But if he did, that's what he'd be doing. Neil follows. Bloom says to Thais, "I touch the strand of Hunger myself. If they had taken me, a fellow Hunger spirit might have been able to gain in power by devouring me." Thais says, "I see." Ekur continues on, alert for the sounds of further stalkers. He adds, "I haven't Initiated... my fellows who have seem to have a tendency to get wrapped up in Infernal influence. The Demon Prince of Gluttony has very little presence here, but Hunger spirits tend to be easily frightening." "I'm probably lucky in that respect. A lot of dentist-dreams are nightmares. I was just a bucktoothed product of an anaethesiac hallucination." Neil says, "So what's with the Subsumption kick, then? And a /balseraph/? Poor taste. Nobody /ever/ believes a dentist anyways." Bloom stares at you. "...*what*?" Thais says, "A /what/?" Thais looks around wildly, sword drawn. "Where?" He draws himself up to his unimpressive but full height. "I intend to subsume as a Seraph, sir!" Ekur auto-resonates Dr. Bloom. William [to Ekur]: Massively offended and somewhat defensive. Neil shakes his head in disgust. Neil [DrBloom]: "Sorry. Looks like there's a balseraph involved, just not you." Thais realizes that there is not, in fact, some unnamed Balseraph sneaking up on them. Looks a little sheepish, and puts her sword back down. Neil . o O ( /So/ smooth. Stupid infernal intervention. ) Neil [DrBloom]: "Ever since I got shot on Earth, my resonance has been a little off. I sincerely apologize. I couldn't understand why it was telling me that." Dr. Bloom blinks. "Oh... a mistake. Of course. Your apology is accepted." He turns around and continues guiding you. Ekur, the main thing you notice now is what in a human you'd consider a shaken faith. The next few hours are quieter as you travel. Then, there is a flash of rosy hues that briefly ascends from the brighter side of the Vale. Each of you angels renews an Essence, and daylight breaks in front of you. Bloom stands on the edge of a daylight desert with blue sky above. "Radz." Ekur says, "Thank you, Doctor, for your guidance." Bloom turns to you. "You wish me to leave?" Ekur says, "I do not believe I said that. I was merely thanking you for a service rendered. You may of course stay with us if you like." Neil says, "Hmm. Perhaps. If we're walking into a fight, I'm not sure we can protect you." Thais says, "Of course--" And then stops, reconsiders. "Well. We'd certainly be /able/." "You've mentioned that before. I am not *entirely* helpless if it comes to a fight; if it's not immediate trouble, I would like to stay with you. It is not often I have real angels to observe. I am, shall I say, correcting misimpressions." Neil is a Mercurian, and far too suave to blush. Thank the Almighty. Neil says, "By all means. So -- pick a direction and start marching? Is there usually someone at the edge of a Domain we should talk to?" Radz appears to be a broad valley of sand and gravel planted with scrub bushes underneath a blue sky with wisps of cloud and hot sun. You are standing on a hilltop, a ring of which seems to mark the boundaries. Spread out below you is a network of asphalt roads black against the sand. Area-wise, the Domain seems to be several miles in radius. Ekur makes an Area Knowledge check. Ekur rolled 11 versus 19 and succeeded by 8. William [to Ekur]: If it were a civilized Domain a border patrol might be there. That there isn't suggests people have higher priorities than defending the borders at the moment. One does notice that below you there seem to be small settlements here and there along the roads, as well as the sound of motor vehicles. William [to Thais]: Also, something similar to but not quite Dissonance is scratching at your senses. Not from anyone, from the Domain itself. William: "Like static in the Symphonic background music." Neil . o O ( Lack of border patrol -- if the 'Black Oaths' were a pan-domain threat, they'd keep the defenses up anyways. We don't have to worry about them for a /little/ while. ) skill 18 IQ You rolled 14 and IQ - succeeded by 4. Ekur says, "No border patrol, and at last report no domain master. So there probably aren't any formalities; everybody here with any power is probably involved in something higher-priority, like struggling to take over." Thais shakes her head. "That's...does anyone hear that?" William [to Neil]: Those were in Selkirk and Roxburgh. :^) Ekur says, "At a first glance, this seems to meet the criteria for Civis. We should investigate further. Head down to that little settlement down there?" -Thais You realize after a moment that the foreign theme is in your Malakite of Judgment attunement. William [to Thais]: You realize after a moment that the foreign theme is in your Malakite of Judgment attunement. Quick question, which of you actually own the EPG? Neil [to William]: I know. But they're not /here/. I was worried. StevenE [to William]: I do. Neil [to William]: I do. Okay, carrying on. fadethecat [to William]: I do. fadethecat [to William]: I'm...not quite following. 'specially since I don't have a Judgment attunement. William: "Oops, wrong guy!" William: "*Neil* hears the foreign theme, and comes to the realization. My bad." Neil says, "This Domain is... interacting... with one of my attunements, but I don't see how." Ekur says, "Could you be more specific? Which attunement, for example?" Neil says, "My lord's Virtues can see dissonance in Celestials. The... domain is dissonant?" Neil will bite the hook, and resonate the domain itself. Thais blinks. "How would that even /work/?" William pokes Ekur. Recall anything from your training on features of Domains? Ekur makes a Hidden Lore (Ethereal) check, to see if this means anything. William [to Neil]: ...interesting. Let me think what that might accomplish. Ekur rolled 14 versus 18 and succeeded by 4. Ekur follows up with an Area Knowledge and a History to backstop it. Ekur rolled 13 versus 19 and succeeded by 6. Ekur rolled 7 versus 18 and succeeded by 11. William [to Ekur]: Intrusive Domains exist that impose some of their nature on Ethereals that spend too long there. Some of these permit Attunements, others inflict Discord. Ekur . o O ( That's what I was guessing from the EPG domain traits list, too. ) Neil . o O ( It's /Ofanim/ who sense Discord. Malakim who sense dissonance. ) William [to Neil]: I figured it was close enough to be generous. An Ofanite might have been able to tell what Discord. William [to Neil]: Okay, you can't get too much information from resonating something so broad, but your Resonance whispers that the Domain *has* a Master now, who is not secure in the position according to his rivals, and that there is a general feeling of unanchoredness about the place. It's still a young, malleable Domain. Ekur says, "Hmm. This could be an Intrusive domain. They affect Ethereals; some inflict Discord, some grant Attunements. And, of course, one may recall that dissonance converts to Discord, which would explain why your Malakite attunement notices it." Ekur . o O ( Could explain, not would explain. ) Jesdyn [to StevenE]: "Can we fix the doman to be unintrusive? If it's going to inflict any Discord at all, it's probably not going to work out." Neil says, "Alright. Someone recently achieved Mastery of this Domain... wish I knew more about what that meant. The domain feels... loose, malleable, free." Thais says, "...but possibly Discord-afflicting?" Neil says, "Whoever Mastered it isn't viewed as secure." StevenE [to William]: I don't remember. Can Domain Features be changed? William [to StevenE]: Almost anything about a Young Domain can be changed. In game terms, it requires a bit of luck and a good strong dream imposed on it. William: "It might help if you knew something more about whatever the Domain is doing to its inhabitants, of course." Ekur says, "This one is young enough that it is possible the feature may be changed. Of course, it might even be harmless, at least from our perspective; would we object to Merciful or Selfless being imposed on the ethereals of Civis? Since it will not impose Discord on angels, and takes a while to impose Discord at all, it should be safe enough for us to investigate." Thais looks down at the area ahead. "From what we've heard, Merciful and Selfless seem unlikely. But we certainly ought to investigate." Neil says, "'Come to Civis and get brainwashed' won't work at all, and we couldn't lie about it. But if we can fix it with some effort, then we should investigate." Bloom looks around nervously. "Few days shouldn't be dangerous, I guess." Neil turns to Dr. Bloom. "Hope not. If it gets too bad we'll try to take you to safety." Neil [to Ekur]: Will the Discord reverse if a spirit leaves the Domain? Ekur says, "If we get stuck here a whole week, I would be rather surprised. But no, the imposed Discord is as hard to remove as any other." Neil [to Ekur]: We've got a week before it takes? We can work around that, sure. Neil says, "So... down to the settlement Ekur pointed out." Ekur says, "Of course, Dr. Bloom, the greatest risk is to you. If you want to stay behind, it is quite understandable, but you are welcome to come with us." The trip down the rocky slope is easy; the heat is not enough to be uncomfortable for angels, and even Dr. Bloom's flush might be more nervousness than the sun. As you reach ground level, there is an asphalt road running toward the settlement you spotted. It is perhaps half a mile ahead, the wavering air beginning to give you glimpses of corrugated-iron roofs and rusty support poles, when the noise of motors becomes clearer. Thais looks towards the older angels. "Should we wait here to approach people, or attempt to avoid confrontation first?" Neil says, "How are we approaching this?" Neil says, "Walk on in and claim most eminent domain? Do we want a cover story? Why are we here?" Bloom says, "Well, surely we shouldn't lie. The truth will out eventually." Thais says, "Agreed. But we might not want to, well, out ourselves just yet." Neil says, "I agree with Dr. Bloom, but wanted the option out there." Ekur says, "Well, certainly, we shouldn't just claim ownership. I'm tempted to go in and just play it by ear, but I realize the rest of you don't have the Symphony telling you how someone reacts. Just mention that we're on a scouting mission, with what exactly we're looking for unmentioned?" Thais nods. "They told me all about how to not say things, back in class. We practiced." Ekur auto-rezes his fellow angels and Dr. Bloom in turn. Neil says, "We could ask everyone about Tsayadim sightings -- no, /Grigori/ sightings. That's daft, non-threatening, and lets us poke around everywhere." William [to Ekur]: Bloom is a little nervous about becomign Discordant but happy to be sheltered in a Domain again. fadethecat [to William]: Oh, should we be responding to resonances on us? William: "Yes, please. :^)" Ekur . o O ( The Vulcan mind-melds all of you! ) Neil . o O ( Focused. Curiosity, anticipation. Nothing really negative. Ready to go, as soon as he figures out what to go with. ) Thais . o O ( Annoyed and confused by the earlier bribery. Eager to continue. A little uncertain as to what to do next. ) Ekur says, "So, let's head into the town, and see what the people are like?" Neil says, "Okay, but -- do we tell people we're angels? Unaffiliated ethereals 'scouting' is probably gonna be regarded as hostile." Thais says, "Would scouting angels be viewed as /less/ hostile?" Neil says, "They are if they're on a wild goose chase and it's easier to give them what they want than to fight them." Bloom "We could say we're looking for a place to stay. It /is/ true. And Ethereals sometimes decide they want to settle in a new Domain." Neil says, "A place to stay. That sounds workable. We could be Outcast. Might as well be, for all the support we're expecting." Ekur says, "We tell them we're angels if they ask. If they react hostilely to us before asking, I'll check their response to being told we're angels first." Ekur says, "Hmm. We're scouting around. Looking for a place to stay if they assume we're ethereals, looking for threats to Heaven's purposes if they ask and learn we're angels. How about that?" Neil says, "Sounds workable." Bloom says, "Okay." As you approach the settlement, several autos roar by you on the road, dream-shaped as having been cobbled together from junk and, apparently, noise and smell. The settlement itself is a sprawling slum of tin huts, wooden shacks, and similar bungalows roughly arranging themselves around an intersection. Thais runs one hand through her hair. "It's so ugly. Who would want to dream this sort of place up?" Ekur says, "Well, often enough, people don't get what they wish to dream, but something else. Beleth is tenacious." Musclebound men and trashy-looking women populate the place, some roaring around to no apparent purpose in the vehicles, some manning open-air counters for various services. They look at you with some curiosity, but nothing out of the ordinary; traffic is apparently accepted here. After a moment, it becomes clear what the Domain's Discord is: a variety of corporeal unnatural features taking the form of radiation-induced mutations. Some have discolored skin, others have nonfunctioning eyes. A couple have useless extra limbs dangling limply. Neil . o O ( Angelpunk. ) Ekur auto-resonates the nearest of the inhabitants. Thais . o O ( ...ew. Now I feel like I ought to go take a long, hot shower or something. ) The most active part of town appears to be a field just opposite where you entered. Several spirits are drilling on foot and in vehicles in what looks to be attempts at military formation. Neil will resonate more or less randomly, looking for common threads in the social network, and guiding the party to near the center. William [to Ekur]: The ones you check have an underlying common thread of frustration. Nobody's entirely happy with their lot here. The ones that notice you are either dismissive or anticipatory, apparently depending on whether you look like you would be a candidate for their services. Neil . o O ( Frustration with their lot? That's almost the best result we could've hoped for. ) William [to Neil]: The names of the inhabitants appear to be those common in Anglophone countries on Earth, with a few odder ones thrown in. You find business relationships among a few pairs, with an important center of commerce being an Ethereal with a few extra eyes sitting under a tarp on a corner of the intersection near the town center; he's respected. Several people have relationships with friends out among the drilling soldiers. Ekur, in a low voice, says, "These people are frustrated. They don't like the way things are." Neil murmurs, "Then let's change the way things are." An Ethereal with the image of a large, bald, musclebound man wearing half-tires as shoulder armor over a leather outfit saunters up to you and grins, shifting the nailbat he carries over one shoulder. 'Weeeeeell now. You blokes look ready for a scrum. Come to join the fight against White Smoke, are ye?' Neil pings him. Thais says, "What's the White Smoke?" Ekur [to William]: And if I tell him "No?" bluntly? William [to Neil]: Name, Yazz, considers himself a vital cog of the community, considered decently employed by others around here, who are most of the people he knows. The spirit called White Smoke is someone he dislikes. He considers Radz his home, though he was born from the dream of some human he doesn't know. William [to Ekur]: He'd try to recruit you for the good fight. Ekur will then wait for his answer to Thais's question before saying anything. Yazz turns to Thais. "White Smoke, me lad, is everything what's gone wrong with Radz these days. Newfangled spirit thinks he's hotter shit than a bag of flaming dog crap come into Radz and turned it into a place for his kind. We're forming up to kick him out and take back our land." Thais says, "And what's his kind?" Thais pings Yazz. She can appreciate a good fight against an interloper, if it's not just another power play. Thais rolled 7 versus 17 and succeeded by 10. Ekur . o O ( Hmm. You know, if Bloom could subsume into a Seraph, we'd have all four info-resonances. ) "Radiation," he says. "Like Fire spirits, but insidious. Radz got no problem with the bomb, the bomb made us, right? Somebody dreamed up what the world will be like after World War III, and we like to scratch out our living here just fine. But White Smoke thinks the whole Domain's got to mark all its people with the bomb itself, and he come in and done reshaped the place to his liking." Ekur says, "Ah, so he's the cause of the mutations. And, of course, we'd want that cleared up if we were to settle here." William [to Thais]: Yazz's greatest virtue, as he sees it, is his willingness to fight for his homeland. His biggest sin is that he doesn't want any other 'sergeants' taking his job with the local army, and is willing to bust them down if they try to take it. Thais nods. "Seems perfectly reasonable that we'd want to take this White Smoke out." She holds up her sword, and smiles. "Just a matter of figuring out how. Yazz brightens up at Ekur's declaration. "Yeah, that's right! I can see you're a smart one." He eyes your weaponry. "And that's the real thing, ain't it? You'd be a right helpful addition to the fight." Ekur nods. I'm trying to emote an Australian accent here, but it's hard to do that and still keep the sentence legible. :^) fadethecat [to William]: We'll just /imagine/ it really thoroughly. Neil says, "How much area does White Smoke control?" Ekur pats the hilt of his sword. Yazz frowns. "Well, depends. He's the Master, so you might say the whole Domain. But he's cowed maybe two or three of the settlements. Maybe half the Domain. We're on the opposite side of the valley from 'im. Ekur steps back and whispers to Thais. "So, what do you think of Yazz?" Thais begins plotting--er, scheming--strategizing! That's it. Strategizing. Actual combat. Against people who are /bad/. Ekur . o O ( Like to have a Malakite's opinion of somebody's honor. ) Bloom collects Yazz's attention while you all converse, offering services as a man of medicine. Thais says, "He isn't without pride, but it seems he's not overwhelmed by ambition, either. And he's dedicated to taking back his homeland. An admirable trait." Ekur nods, and addresses both Thais and Neil. "So. It looks like this guy has the same problem we have, and that this place would look pretty good for the settlement. I think we should assist this Yazz, since it will both further our aims and serve the right. What do you think?" Thais says, "If the inhabitants aren't overly war-like, it could be useful to have a settled population here. And they'd be more likely to welcome our intrusion if we helped them with their problem first." Neil says, "We don't have the whole story... but everything seems to fall into place. Sounds good." Thais nods. "And we're not so committed yet that we can't change our plans if we discover the situation is other than we've been told." Ekur says, "Looks good. You want to volunteer our assistance to Yazz, Thais?" Thais says, "I shall." Thais moves over to speak to Yazz, as soon as Bloom is done. Bloom has just been chattering at him to let you guys talk, and points out Thais as soon as you come back. Ekur smiles at Neil, and says in a low voice, "I figured Thais could use some experience talking, and after all, it is a military matter, and Thais is of the Sword." Yazz turns to you and grins. "So, ye decided?" Neil nods. Thais bows politely. "We have. We're willing to lend our assistance to your efforts to remove this White Smoke and his minions from control of this Domain. Do you have any plans already underway that we can work with, or are you still working to form an appropriate attack strategy?" Yazz says, "Yeah, we got the militia drilling over there," he jerks a thumb toward the field. "The strategy fer you fellows is to swear yer loyalty to old Jack here," indicating the fellow under the tarp, "to fight in his name, so that when we attack the army becomes part of the Assumption combat, dig? That way, when you win, Jack becomes the Master, see?" Neil . o O ( Sounds like we better negotiate privately with Jack. ) Ekur says, "Hmm. Well, I would like to talk to old Jack first. We are new here, and while I don't like what I've heard about White Smoke, well, I don't want to sign up half-blind." Thais frowns, and defers to Ekur to handle this more...diplomatically than she would have. "Come on over then," says Yazz. He leads you to the guy sitting under the tarp. At a closer look, it becomes apparent that the extra eyes are functional, not Discord; the man's mutation is a covering of purplish discolored skin. He is working with some sort of record sheets. "Master," says Yazz respectfully, "we've got some new recruits of excellent quality that would like some inspiration from you." Neil resonates him. Ekur auto-resonates Jack, and wants to know how he'd react if we revealed ourselves as angels. William [to Neil]: Name is Jack Mann, he was born in Radz, he considers himself to be the rightful successor of the previous Master and most people in this town agree with him, though some older acquaintances are now distanced from him by fear of his enemy White Smoke. The position defines his life's work at the moment. Thais joins in the resonation chorus. William [to Ekur]: Feelings of personal injury from what White Smoke has done to him and his home motivate a desire for bloodthirsty revenge. Current mood, however, is academically calm as he organizes what soldiers he can. He anticipates eventual victory. William [to Ekur]: He would want to know more about your intentions if you revealed yourselves. William ly pictures your resonances forming a 1-3-5 major chord in the local Symphony. William [to Thais]: Greatest virtue, dedication to his community. Greatest sin, a howling desire for revenge. fadethecat [to William]: Great. Now I'm having flashbacks to the "Eli's All-Malakite Ragtime Band" game I was in, where all the players kept singing out words together. "Shame." "Shame." "Shame!" Neil . o O ( Well, here goes... ) Neil says, "Jack, I think we can help each other." Ekur . o O ( I am racking my brains to come up with small talk so I can then auto-res with the question "How would he react to Civis?" ) Jack continues working with his papers; the upper middle eye on the front of his head looks up at you. "It looks indeed so," he says. "You appear to be skilled and, may I say, well-equipped warriors. You have chosen to join an honorable and courageous struggle. Rest assured that victory will be ours and the reward of a good home and a respected duty will be yours." Ekur says, "I am wondering, sir, what do you plan to do when you become Master of the domain?" StevenE [to William]: When enough time has passed for me to rez him with a different action, I want to know how he'd react to my proposing the Civis project use this domain. William [to Ekur]: He stops working with the papers and looks at you fully. "The first thing I intend to do is to lead our best dreamers in undoing the damage White Smoke has forced on our home. Then, organize better defenses for our land, and over the long term seek healing for those of my people left crippled by his invasion." Neil says, "Better defenses. Healing. We might be able to help out with that." William [to Ekur]: What Neil says connects enough. If the Civis project fully explained to him, he would be accepting of most of it but would have two caveats: William [to Ekur]: One, he would suggest that he retain Mastership of the Domain, both for personal gain and to keep angels from having to hunt down new claimants for the Master position in the future; and two, he would ask the people if they would permit this, and would refuse you if there was outcry against it. Jack regards Neil. "...oh? Is there more to this than a new recruit, then?" Neil looks to Ekur for a last nod or headshake. Ekur . o O ( Okay, both caveats would then have to be cleared with our superiors . . . but even if they didn't accept them, and we had to look for another domain, we'd probably be better off with this Ethereal than with White Smoke running this domain. ) Ekur nods to Neil. Neil says, "We're not looking to join a city, quite. We're looking to /build/ one." Neil says, "We don't need Mastery of the domain for it... and creatures such as us couldn't accept it, anyways." "Bein-..." Jack pauses. "Angels, demons, or humans?" Yazz startles and steps back. Ekur steps in. "We're angels, looking for a site for the Civis project. Have you heard of it?" Neil says, "Angels. We're scouting for locations to build the first trans-Heavenly city in the Marches, under the direction of Salem, Angel of Cities and the Seraphim Council." Jack shakes his head in the negative. "Prove it. Speak to me of this 'Civis' in the language of truth." Ekur . o O ( Can we speak Angelic here? This is the Ethereal, after all . . . . ) Neil . o O ( If we can't speak true Angelic, I take a quick look around for threats and take celestial form. ) Thais brightens slightly. Ah, the part where everyone speaks truthfully. Much better than being sneaky. William [to Ekur]: I would think you can. And really, on the physics it's my opinion that counts. ;^) Neil repeats his words in Angelic. Bloom gets a blissful look. Jack sits up straight. "You want to found a city here. In Radz." He quirks an eyebrow. "But you need to clean the place out first. *How* clean?" Ekur adds, in Angelic, "I understand that you would want the consent of your fellows if you were to join our project. And I am not sure if our masters would be able to accept a Master in the domain where Civis is built. But whether you can or cannot join us, this realm would be better off with you as head than White Smoke, and we would like to offer our assistance." Jack says, "No, Heaven is certainly not known for accepting authority other than its own, anywhere." Thais . o O ( Well. That's because we're /right/. ) Jack thinks. "We both want to eliminate White Smoke, obviously. You might not need my assistance, angels are so strong. Though perhaps my army could help. With your sword arm we would doubtless see victory. The question is, what happens next? I do not want a victory that then sees me and my compatriots thrust out of the home we have cleansed." Neil [Jack]: I serve Judgement. Heaven's Law would apply to this city... but the size of the city is negotiable, and ethereals will enjoy the same rights angels will. Neil [Jack]: Although we would prefer an otherwise empty space to first build on, we will not forcibly relocate any citizen of this Domain. Ekur says, "There are, of course, other possible sites in the Marches. While I cannot bind my superiors, if a peaceful accomodation cannot be made here, I would encourage them to look elsewhere. And Blandine would be pleased to see White Smoke and his nightmarish inflictions removed." Jack thinks very carefully. "It is... quite a lot to consider. I think perhaps your suggestion is good," he says to Ekur. "Let us focus on removing White Smoke for the moment, and discuss the social ramifications of the situation afterward." Thais smiles. "This seems an excellent suggestion, to me. When can we start on the removal?" Neil says, "We can do that. Something to consider, though -- the Angel of Urban Planning is underwriting this project as an experiment in... any number of areas, really. But all kinds of entities will be coming through here. The Domain we choose will become a hub of trade and commerce to rival Marc's Bazaar... and much of that trade and commerce will trickle down to you." Jack spreads his hands expressively at Thais. "We have some strong warriors, but I think you four are now the tip of our spear." Thais says, "I am entirely prepared to become the sharp edge of an attack." Neil is entirely prepared to -- call for backup. Just how deep is he getting here? He doesn't even have a /gun/. Ekur looks over at Dr. Bloom. "Well, the three of us. Dr. Bloom is our guide, and we cannot speak for him." fadethecat [to Jesdyn]: Bah. You can dream a gun up. We will be the Spiffy Angel Army of Justice! Neil [to Thais]: I haven't found TIME. Neil growls. Jesdyn [to fadethecat]: I keep trying to. Neil . o O ( If I just sit there thinking gun thoughts while people are talking, I'll end up looking like something out of Sluggy Freelance, and you don't /ever/ mention Sluggy Freelance in the Marches. ) Bloom bows amiably. "I am an Ethereal myself, and more of a healer than a fighter. But then, my Songs could prove useful even in the midst of an attack, with a few seconds to spend. I shall stick by my clients, if they so please." Jack says, "Ah, I am corrected. At any rate, we know the settlement where White Smoke makes his seat. Information on the size of his supporting militia and the men we have at our disposal is available in these pages," and he picks up the material he was working on. "Let us plan." ------ Session End ---------