In In Nomine, you play a Superior -- an Archangel or a Demon Prince. Your goal is to get
as many humans as possible to learn about, accept, and use your worldview, thus achieving
a life which will bring them to your realm after death. In the case of Archangels, this is
because they honestly think this is best -- in the case of Demon Princes, it's mostly greed
for damned souls to increase their power. Whatever your motivations, though, Humans are
the central element of the game.
Your primary tools are your Servitors, whom you may arm with Songs, Relics, and
Artifacts in order to do your bidding, or promote to a Distinction, a Seneschal, or a Word.
Humans can help, too -- but it's best if they stay away from the front lines. They're all too
mortal to begin with, and you can't really control when they're born and where they come
Game Play
You have two decks of cards in an In Nomine game. One is your Repository, the deck
from which you draw to start each turn. It describes events you control, such as the
formation and arming of Servitors. Another is your Events deck, which produces events
that Superiors cannot generally control, such as the birth of humans, natural disasters, and
the formation of Tethers. A good choice of numbers is 60 cards in your Repository and 40
in your Events deck.
Each Superior has an Abilities list, which indicates two important pieces of information.
First, it provides an additional Dissonance Condition for all Servitors of that Superior (see
the section on Angels and Demons under "Beings in Detail" for more information on
Dissonance). Second, it lists Choir or Band abilities which any Servitor of the appropriate
type has added to their game text automatically. Each player should have a Superior sheet
available for the Superior they intend to play.
Each Superior starts with one Tether from their Events Deck in play.
Choose a number of Humans to serve as a victory condition. If this number of Humans
enters your Realm, you win. This number can be no greater than the number of Humans in
the Events Decks of each participating player.
Choose which player goes first at random.
Types of Cards
Repository Cards:
Servitors -- the primary means by which you carry out your will. Archangels have
various types of Angels, Saints, and Relievers. Demon Princes have various types of
Demons, Undead, and Demonlings. All Servitors are Beings.
Acts -- these "miscellaneous" cards are actions that you as a Superior may take, other
than playing the cards above. A series of interrelated Acts can make a good strategy. These
may include war plans, Forces to beef up your Servitors, or Rites to give to friendly Beings.
The main type of Acts are below.
Songs -- don't call them spells! Songs are knowledge of the Symphony, and give some
useful common Abilities to your servant Beings. They cost Essence and an action to use,
but can have miraculous effects.
Objects -- Heaven and Hell can create Relics, with a wide range of effects; Reliquaries,
which give your Servitors the benefit of extra Essence -- and Artifacts, which may have
some small useful abilities. All are classed as Objects, usually given to Beings.
Ranks -- Promoting your Servitors makes them more powerful, but costs you plenty in
terms of Essence. Distinctions and Words come with strong Abilities, and the Words of
Seneschals can protect your Tethers, but all of them also make your Servitors bigger targets.
Skills -- cheap Abilities, since your Servitors frequently improve them through personal
interest and experience, Skills generally allow your servants to take an action to perform
some useful mundane effect without the use of Essence.
Combat Acts -- aid your Servitors during the Combat phase. Unlike all other acts, these
may be played during the Combat phase.
Personal Acts -- "miscellaneous." Strategy and Superior-level acts.
Event Cards:
Humans -- all Humans are Beings, and the main goal of In Nomine. Humans have a wide
range of abilities, but are otherwise much weaker than most Servitors. For more on Humans,
see Beings in Detail.
Ethereals -- an unaligned type of Being which may be influenced. Ethereals are created by
human myth and belief, and as such can have some strange abilities. Ethereals are not
accessed in the first In Nomine set.
Tools -- not all Objects in the Symphony are of celestial origin. The Tools Humans make
may be fragile and simple, but they are frequently cheap and often subtly powerful, putting
the Humans on par with Servitors.
Tethers -- Superiors cannot create Tethers at will; they are formed from powerfully
emotional human events on Earth. Besides their use in moving Servitors around, these
valuable Locations have powerful abilities -- for example, all Tethers assume the game text
"Celestials at a Tether controlled by their Controller lose one note of Dissonance per whole
Turn spent at this Location" -- but beware attempts to destroy them -- or steal them!
Interventions -- the direct hand of God... or Lucifer. You must put as many Infernal
Interventions as Divine Interventions (and vice versa) in your Events deck, and no more
than three of each. Unpredictable, even ineffable, these cards can turn the course of play in
an instant, or be seemingly useless at a given time. Interventions are unclassed cards.
Nature -- a powerful force, and not one truly controlled by even the best-suited
Superiors, such as Animals or Wind, Nature cards represent the power of the Corporeal
Realm in which many events take place. Sometimes beneficial, sometimes harmful, but
always unstoppable, there is good reason to call these events "Acts of God." Despite the
name, though, Nature cards are unclassed.
The Play Area
There are three main kinds of play area.
Realm: Each player has a Realm, a section of Heaven or Hell. Dead Humans who have
gone to one Side or another end up in the appropriate Realm as indicated under the
description of Humans in "Beings in Detail." Artifacts and Tools may not be used in
player's Realms, although any "always on" effect still occurs. Demons take 1 Celestial Hit
at the beginning of any turn in which they are in an Archangel's Realm.
Earth (a.k.a. "the Corporeal Realm," "the Corporeal") -- Earth is the home of living
Humans and the location of Tethers. Most of the action takes place in the Corporeal.
the Marches (a.k.a. "the Etheral Realm," "the Ethereal") -- the Realm of Human dreams,
and the home Realm of Ethereals. A dangerous place to work, but sometimes valuable, the
Marches are not much accessed in the first In Nomine set. Tools may not be used there.
Not actual play areas, but useful places on the game table to remember, are:
Essence Pool -- not an actual play area, but useful to keep aside, the Essence Pool is your
storage of the power units you will need to play cards. Players begin the game with 5
Hand -- Each player has a hand size of seven to begin the game.
Discard pile -- where things go when destroyed, used up, or (in the case of Servitors)
permanently killed.
The Game Turn
Each turn is played in phases.
1.) Draw.
Draw a card from your Repository, and add it to your hand. Draw a card from your
Events Deck, and place it into the appropriate Realm -- the Earth, unless otherwise
specified, such as the Marches for Ethereals.
2.) Gain Essence.
Add one Essence to your Essence Pool for every Servitor you have in play, every
Ethereal over which you have Influence, every Human or Animal in your Realm, and every
Human over which you have Influence, plus one Essence for yourself.
3.) Age Mortals.
Living humans age. Count since the Turn they were brought out (counters are useful for
this) -- if any human has reached their Lifespan, they die and resolve their afterlife according
to the description of Humans under "Beings in Detail."
4.) Make Dissonance Rolls.
For every Servitor that carries a point of Dissonance, roll 3d6. If all three dice come in
below the number of Dissonance points carried, use the rules given for Dissonance under
"Beings in Detail" below.
5.) Act.
Play any Acts you may have in your hand that you wish to play -- beef up Servitors,
hand out Songs or Rites, or perform other miscellaneous tasks marked with the "Act" type.
Servitors are played in their Home Realm. Songs, Objects, and Ranks are given to Beings.
You may also give any uncontrolled Object to a Being in its Realm. These, and any
miscellaneous Acts, can be played in any order.
6.) Actions.
Your Servitors, and any Influenced Beings, now get a chance to work. Beings you bring
under your Influence this turn have a new action. Each Being otherwise has one action per
turn that they may choose freely. You may choose to have them act in any order. They
to any location in their home Realm.
to or from any Location (Beings or Objects not at a specified Location are in the
Location "this thing's Location"; multiple Beings or Objects can be specified to be at "this
group's Location") within their current Realm.
up or down a Tether at which they are located.
any Being in their Realm. Beings cannot be attacked until they have spent one
opponent's Turn in a given Realm.
any number of times, against any attacks upon a Being at their Location(including
Use an ability:
on a target of an appropriate type. Some abilities are "global" or "Always on,"
and do not require an action to use.
that is, do none of the above.
6a.) The Combat Actions (Attack and Defend)
Any Being may choose to initiate combat against any Being in their Realm who has spent
at least one opponent's turn in the Realm. Multiple Beings may enter a single combat at
once; the target of the attack is automatically engaged in combat, and any beings who can
Defend may choose to do so as well, thus entering combat. Beings in a Location may
choose not to become involved in a combat.
Combat comes in three different types, and each uses the two associated statistics:
Celestial, Ethereal, and Corporeal, using Attack and Hits values. On Earth, the standard
combat is corporeal; ethereal attacks may be undertaken with certain Objects or Abilities,
and celestial combat is difficult to initiate witout specialized Attack or Defense Acts. In the
Marches, the standard combat is ethereal; corporeal attacks may not be used, but celestial
combat may be chosen freely by an attacker. In player's Realms, standard combat is
Celestial, but ethereal combat may be undertaken with certain Relics or Abilities.
Each round of combat, a Being may choose:
to do a base Attack using their Attack Value of an appropriate type. Select a
target involved in the combat. That target takes damage equal to the attacker's Attack value
of that type, barring intervention by cards or other defensive effects.
to use any game text, Ability, Songs, Objects, or Ranks attached to themselves,
targetting any appropriate object, most likely a Being involved in combat.
to Wait -- take no action.
to Retreat. The Being leaves combat by moving to a different Location at the end
of the round.
Declare effects in this order: Attacking player's Beings, in any order they choose;
defending players' Beings, in any order they choose. Resolve effects in this order: attacking
player's Beings, in the order actions were declared; defending player's Beings, in the order
actions were declared. Some cards or abilities, such as Speed or the Ofanite of War
Attunement, may affect this order, in which case those effects supersede this rule to the
extent that they are applicable. Combat Acts may be played at any time during this
progression -- if multiple Acts are played at between two other actions, they take effect in
the order in which they were played.
Attacks, some Objects, and some Songs do damage. A Being can survive Damage in a
Realm up to one less than the number of its Hits in that Realm. If any Being is reduced to 0
Hits in some realm -- i.e., they take damage counters qual to their Hits in that Realm -- see
below. If at the end of the round neither attacking nore defending player have a Being
involved in Combat remaining above 0 Hits in all Realms, or one player has no Beings
remaining in the Location, combat is over.
Beings with 0 Hits remaining in some realm can take no further actions while in this state,
including defense.
Beings with 0 Celestial Hits remaining at end of any turn become soul-dead. Discard the
Being and any Songs or Ranks attached. Any Objects that Being was carrying are now loose
in that Location, albeit still controlled by the Being's controller (another player may not
assign them yet). Any Being Influenced by them is freed of that Influence.
Beings with 0 Ethereal Hits remaining at end of turn lose any Songs attached, and any
Beings Influenced by them may be freed of the Influence -- roll d6 for each. On a 1 or 2, the
Influence is broken. If in the Marches, Beings other than an Ethereal are ejected to their last
non-Marches Location. An Ethereal leaves to a new location in the Marches and enters
Trauma: they cannot perform any actions for a number of turns equal to their Ethereal Hits.
At end of turn, restore all Ethereal Hits.
Beings with 0 Corporeal Hits remaining at end of turn die corporeally. Mortals or
Undead are dead and resolve afterlife as described under "Beings in Detail." Malakim return
to their Realm and regenerate all Corporeal Hits imediately. Other Immortals enter Trauma -
- they return to their Realm. They cannot leave, and are treated as having no game text or
attached Abilities or Objects, for a number of turns equal to their Corporeal Hits.
7.) End Turn
Any effects that take place "at end of turn" occur now, in any order the player whose
turn is ending chooses. At end of any turn, all Beings other than Humans remove one
damage counter from themselves in each Realm. Humans remove one damage counter in
each Realm at the end of their controller's Turn. Players discard cards in their hand above 7,
modified by any cards in play.
Beings in Detail
Angels and Demons: all angels and demons have a basic ability, called a Resonance, which
comes with the card and is considered part of the game text of any such card. Each kind has
an additional ability listed on the Superior Abilities list. All of them have certain conditions
for gaining Dissonance, and a particular Discord that hinders their ability to operate
properly. Any time a celestial has three or more points of Dissonance, their controller may
remove three points of Dissonance and replace it with a level of Discord.

Angels -- if an angel other than a Malakite fails a Dissonance roll in phase 4, it Falls. If any
opposing player is a Demon Prince, the angel's controller chooses one Prince, who may
search their Repository for a demon of the opposing Band, bring it into their Realm, and
reshuffle their Repository. If that Prince has no suitable demon, or there is no Demon
Prince in the game, there is no further effect. In either case, discard the angel. Malakim do
not Fall, but automatically gain their Discord.
Seraphim: if a Seraph encountered a Being controlled by another Superior last turn, they
may use their action to roll d6. On 1, the Seraph's controller may randomly choose and
view a card in opponent's hand; on 2, the top card of opponent's Events Deck; on 3, the top
card in opponent's Repository; on 4, any card face down in opponent's Realm; on 5, nothing
happens. On 6, opponent may choose to view any one card from any one of the Seraph's
controller's Repository, Events deck, Realm, or hand -- the Seraph spoke too much Truth.
The Seraph's controller may prevent this by having the Seraph lie -- and gain a point of
The Seraph Discord is Gullibility -- for every level of Gullibility, one Balseraph chosen
by the Seraph's controller may take one free action to use their Resonance on the Angel
during their Action phase, regardless of Location. The opposing Band of Seraphim is
Cherubim: Cherubim may use an Action to Attune to any Being or Object in play
automatically. They gain 2 to all Attack and Hits values while Defending an Attuned Being.
They take a point of Dissonance if an Attuned Being or Object leaves play. The may de-
Attune -- take an action to roll d6. On a 1, the de-Attuning fails and the Cherub takes a note
of Dissonance.
The Cherub Discord is Fear -- when an Attuned Being is attacked, roll d6. If the roll is
less than or equal to the Cherub's levels of Fear, they may not Defend the Being this turn.
The Band which opposes Cherubim is the Djinn.
Ofanim: The Ofanim may use their Resonance to gain a second action in a turn before
using their usual action. (This Resonance does not take an action.) Roll a d6; on a 1, the
Ofanite does not gain an action and takes dissonance. In addition, Ofanim gain Dissonance
for taking the Wait action.
The Ofanite Discord is Clumsiness -- subtract 1 from base Attack value in all Realms for
every level of this Discord the Ofanite has. Calabim oppose Ofanim.
Elohim: With their detailed knowledge of emotional states, the Elohim may take an action
to Influence Beings in their Location. Roll d6; if the result after any modifiers is greater than
the Being's Ethereal Hits, the Elohite has Influenced the Being.
An Elohite must act for the objective good. They gain Dissonance if they take any
Action other than Wait while under another Superior's Influence, or if they succumb to their
Discord. The Elohite Discord is Bad Temper -- if any Being controlled by a Superior other
than the Elohite's own is in the Elohite's location during your turn, roll d6. On a result less
than or equal to the levels of Discord, the Elohite initiates combat with a random target in
the Location (roll). (Take the Retreat action immediately if you don't want to hurt the
target!) The Band of Habbalah opposes the Choir of Elohim.
Malakim: The Malakim have knowledge of others' honor, and may use this not to
influence people, but to stiffen their resolve and prevent them being Influenced. In this way
they most directly fight the depredations of Balseraphs, the Band they were first formed to
face. Malakim may take an action to roll d6 vs. a target's Celestial Hits. With a success
(occurring on a roll greater than or equal to such Hits), all further attempts to Influence the
Being are performed at a -1 penalty to any necessary roll.
Every Malakite has an oath, a condition written in their game text. (For example, "Do not
use Guns.") Violating this condition (using a Gun Object, in this case) causes Dissonance
for each violation, or each round if the condition is continuous. The Malakite Discord is
Cowardice. Starting every round of combat, roll d6; on a result less than or equal to the
levels of Cowardice, the Malakite takes the Retreat action. Malakim do not Fall, and thus
have no opposing Band.
Bright Lilim: Use the Lilim mechanics for Influence, Dissonance, and Discord (see
Demons). Obviously, Lilim oppose Bright Lilim. Bright Lilim are very special... they will
never enter play except via Redemption (special play effect) of a Lilim demon in play. If
drawn from your Repository, reveal the card, place it on the bottom of your Repository,
and redraw.
Kyriotates: Most Kyriotates cannot manifest on Earth, except by being attached to
another Being already there (not another Kyriotate or Shedite). This Resonance for
attachment is an Influence; take and action to roll d6 to attach to a Being on Earth on the
turn the Kyriotate Moved there or on any later turn. If the roll is greater than the Being's
Celestial Hits (or those of any Kyriotate or Shedite already attached to the Being), the
Kyriotate attaches to the Being and that Being is Influenced by the Kyriotate. Any
previous Kyriotate or Shedite is ejected and must make an immediate resonance roll on some
Being at their Location, or return to their Realm (yes, control can bounce back and forth...).
The Kyriotate may leave its host voluntarily by attaching to another Being in their Realm
with a Resonance roll or returning to their Realm. Failure on any such roll returns the
Kyriotate to its Realm.
A Kyriotate takes Dissonance if it leaves the Being with more damage counters than it
entered with, if the Being loses any Object or Ability during the Kyriotate's stay without
regaining it before the Kyriotate leaves, or if the Being dies while the Kyriotate is attached.
In the latter case, the Kyriotate also enters Trauma. The Kyriotate Discord is Bound --
apply levels of Bound as a penalty to any Resonance roll, and roll as if Resonating to return
to their Realm. Shedim oppose Kyriotates.
While the Kyriotate is attached to a Human, no condition in play counts towards their
Destiny or Fate, nor any action a Celestial takes towards Dissonance. Both the Kyriotate
*and* the Being have an action, but the only choices for the Kyriotate are to Wait, Move
back to its Realm, or Resonate a target on Earth. Treat the Being to which a Kyriotate is
attached as having no game text. Use the Kyriotate's statistics for all effects. Objects or
abilities attached to the Kyriotate leave with the Kyriotate, but such cards attached to the
Being remain with the Being.
Mercurians: With their knowledge of relationships, Mecurians can Influence Beings in
their Location. Take an action to roll d6, plus 1 if the Being is already Influenced; if the
resultant roll is greater than or equal to the Being's Ethereal Hits, the Being is Influenced by
the Mercurian.
It is Dissonant for a Mercurian to cause damage of any sort to a Human with an attack or
any other ability they may have, regardless of reason. The Mercurian Discord is Berserk --
when attempting to take any action in combat other than an Attack with base Attack value,
roll d6. If the result is less than or equal to the levels of the Discord, the Mercurian attacks
with base Attack value. The Band of Impudites opposes the Choir of Mercurians.
Other Heavenly Agents:
Saints: Reborn, once-dead Humans. Saints count as Humans for card purposes in all
respects save for their Immortality and lack of game-relevant Destiny and Fate. (They use
the Celestial card template.) When a Saint is corporeally killed, they return to Heaven and
regenerate all Body Hits immediately. While powerful, they generally cost considerably in
Essence to empower and send to Earth.
Relievers: angels that haven't quite fledged yet, Relievers cannot have Objects or Ranks
attached to them, and can neither use nor be targeted by a base Corporeal Attack value, so
their biggest usefulness on Earth is with Songs. They can also fledge -- for their action, a
Reliever may be discarded and replaced with any Angel from your hand by paying that
Angel's cost, less the Reliever's cost (min. 1) -- keeping all attached cards. (If the angel is a
Kyriotate, it must make a Resonance roll immediately, or be able to stay on Earth without a
host). Relievers may not move freely back and forth between Heaven and Earth, but must
use a Tether.
Demons -- if a demon fails a Dissonance roll, they gain the appropriate Discord.
Balseraphs: The Balseraphs are masters of influencing others. Their action may be to
make a resonance roll with d6 vs. a target (in their Realm) Being's Celestial Hits; if the result
is greater than or equal to the Being's Celestial Hits, the Being is Influenced by the
Balseraph. They may Resonate on any Being they already Influence to give -1 penalties to
any future attempt to Influence that Being by any other Beings, and may do so multiple
times. Failure in any of these rolls inflicts a note of dissonance on the demon.
The Balseraph Discord is Paranoia -- for every level of this Discord, subtract 1 from the
demon's Resonance Rolls (it's a little hard to influence people you're obviously scared of).
Djinn: For the Djinn's action, it may Resonate upon any Being or Object at their
Location, Attuning to it. Roll d6 vs. target's Celestial Hits, or succeed automatically for an
Object. Thereafter, the Djinn may move freely -- even on another player's turn -- to the
location of any card to which they are Attuned, as long as it is in the same Realm. Djinn
may not attack, destroy, or otherwise cause damage to the target of an Attunement, unless
the target initiates an encounter with the Djinn, by attacking or otherwise using an ability
upon the Djinn.
Djinn may take an action to attempt to de-Attune in order to harm a target. Roll d6 vs.
the Djinn's Celestial Hits. Success (less than or equal to Hits) negates the Attunement;
failure inflicts a note of Dissonance and the Cherub Dissonance Condition. Both fade after a
number of turns equal to the die roll, although any Discord or Cherub Dissonance remains.
The Djinn Discord is Fear -- when an Attuned Being, or Being with an attached Attuned
Object, attacks, roll d6 every combat round -- on a result less than or equal to the levels of
this Discord, the Djinn takes the Retreat action.
Calabim: Calabim don't go in for Influence -- they just like to take things apart. Every
round of combat, a Calabite may specify a target and use its Resonance to roll d6. If the
result is less than or equal to the Calabite's Celestial Hits, the result is done as damage of the
type appropriate for the Realm. If the result is higher than its Celestial Hits, half the total
(rounded down) is done as damage of that type, unless the Calabite takes a point of
Dissonance. Outside of combat, a Calabite may still use its Resonance to do raw damage to
any Being in its Location.
The Calabite Discord is Weakness -- subtract 1 from base Attack value in all Realms for
each level of this Discord the Calabite has.
Habbalah: Habbalah can control other Beings in their location , but their Influence, though
emotionally intense, is short-lived, lasting only until the end of the current turn. Roll d6; if
the result is greater than the target's Ethereal Hits, the Being is Influenced by you until the
end of the current turn. If less than or equal to this number, one of the following events
occurs: another roll is made against a target you have not attempted to Influence this Turn in
the Habbalite's Location; the Habbalite is Influenced by a random other player (flip a coin,
roll dice, etc.) until the end of the turn (gaining a new action as usual); or you choose to let
the Habbalite take a note of Dissonance.
Lilim: The Lilim gain Influence over other beings much like other Demons do -- as an
action, roll d6 vs. target's Hits of any chosen type. If the result is greater than target
number, the Influence takes hold. However, instead of immediate Influence, the Lilim's
controller gains a counter on the targetted being. This counter may be spent at any time --
immediately, or even during another opponent's turn! -- to gain Influence over the targetted
Being, at which time the Lilim's controller may declare that the target takes any action
possible for it. However, failure generates a note of Dissonance.
The Lilim Discord is Aura. For every level of this Discord, apply a +1 bonus to any
attempts to Influence the Lilim (it's easy to tell things about her).
Shedim: Most Shedim cannot manifest on Earth, except by being attached to Human
already there. This Resonance for attachment is an Influence; use its action to roll d6 to
attach to a Human on Earth on the turn the Shedite Moved there, or on any later Turn. If
the roll is greater than or equal to the Human's Celestial Hits (or those of any Kyriotate or
Shedite already attached to the Human, the Shedite attaches to the Human and that Human
is Influenced by the Shedite. Any previous Kyriotate or Shedite is ejected and must make
an immediate resonance roll on some Human at their Location, or return to their Realm. The
Shedite may leave voluntarily by attaching to another Human with another Resonance roll,
or returning to their Realm. Failure in any such roll returns the Shedite to its Realm.
At the beginning of every Actions phase while attached to a Human, the Shedite must roll
d6, with a penalty equal to the number of turns the Shedite has been attached. Failure gives
the Shedite a point of dissonance, as does the host's death while the Shedite is attached, in
which case the Shedite enters Trauma. The Shedite Discord is Bound -- apply levels of
Bound as a penalty to any Resonance roll, and roll as if Resonating to return to their Realm,
where failure instead means the Shedite must stay in its current host.
Both the Shedite *and* the Human have an Action, but the Shedite's only choices for an
action are Wait, Move back to its Realm, or Resonate. Use the Shedite's statistics for all
effects. Objects or abilities attached to the Shedite leave with the Shedite, but such cards
attached to the Human remain with the Human.
Impudites: The Influence Impudites exert with their Resonance is the usual, an action for
d6 vs. target Being's Celestial Hits, result greater than target value winning. Additionally,
whenever in a Location with a Being under their Influence, they Impudite may choose to use
an action to Steal Essence instead. Make another resonance roll against a Being the Impudite
has Influenced. If successful (greater than target's Celestial Hits), add the result in Essence
to your Essence Pool. If the roll failed, lose the result in Essence from your Pool, up to
whatever value you have.
Impudites take a note of Dissonance if a Human in their Location dies other than via
aging. The Impudite Discord is Berserk -- when attempting to take any action in combat
other than an Attack with base Attack value, roll d6. If the result is less than or equal to the
levels of the Discord, the Impudite attacks with base Attack value.
Undead -- Undead are Immortal, but Human, like Saints. (They use the Celestial card
template, however.) However, an Undead cannot participate in Celestial combat. If an
Undead is reduced to 0 Corporeal Hits, the Undead is soul-dead -- all attached cards except
Objects are discarded with the Undead, and Objects remain controlled by Undead's
Controller loose in the Undead's last Location.
Demonlings: demons that haven't quite fledged yet, Demonlings cannot have Objects or
Ranks attached to them, and can neither use nor be targeted by a base Corporeal Attack
value, so their biggest usefulness on Earth is with Songs. They can also fledge -- for their
action, a Demonling may be discarded and replaced with any Demon from your hand by
paying that Demon's cost, less the Demonling's cost (min. 1) -- keeping all attached cards.
(If the demon is a Shedite, it must make a Resonance roll immediately, or be able to stay on
earth without a host). Relievers may not move freely back and forth between Heaven and
Earth, but must use a Tether.

Humans are primarily dealt with on Earth, since they can only inhabit the Marches
temporarily (i.e., while they sleep). While there, they can participate in Celestial or Ethereal
combat, but when on Earth they may only participate in Corporeal combat without special
card effects.
The central concern of Celestials (such as yourself) involved with the Beings called
Humans are their Destinies and Fates. Fulfillment of these conditions while under your
Influence will ensure a well-deserved afterlife in support of your goals for the Symphony.
Every Human has a Destiny and a Fate. Humans have a finite lifespan, measured in turns
from when they are brought out -- counters may be useful to mark this. When their lifespan
runs out, or they are killed before their time, check the Human's Destiny and Fate. If one
has been achieved, but not the other, the Human leaves play and goes to the appropriate
side, into the Realm of whatever Superior had Influence over them. If there is more than one
Superior on the appropriate Side, and/or none of them had Influence over the Human,
choose by chance whose realm the Human enters. If there is no Superior on the appropriate
side, remove the Human from play. If both Destiny and Fate been acheived, or neither, the
Human leaves play and reincarnates -- put the Human on the bottom of the Events deck.
Once a Human enters the Realm of an Archangel, they are a Blessed Soul; a Human in the
Realm of a Demon Prince is a Damned Soul.

Lacking Destinies or Fates, Ethereals can still have their own goals, but are seemingly
unaligned. They can be Influenced, though, and can make fine allies or unpredictable

Not accessed in the first In Nomine set, Animals are Beings that can aid your servants if
trained or Influenced. Animals have lifespans, with Destinies and Fates, but only either go
to Archangel Jordi's Realm or reincarnate otherwise when killed. They can only participate
in Corporeal and Ethereal combat. No cards other than those explicitly stating otherwise
may be attached to Animals.
Other Cards in Detail

Songs -- the general format of a Song is this: one pays Essence to attach the Song to a
friendly Being, giving it the necessary knowledge. The Being will generally gain game text of
the following form: "This Being may take an action to," or "This Being may, during a
combat round," "pay X Essence" and some effect occurs.
Objects -- Objects come as Relics, Reliquaries, Talismans, Artifacts, and Tools. (Tools
are described as Events, but are also Objects.) Relics and a wide variety of game text to the
card. Reliquaries typically say "Up to X total Essence per turn may be deducted from the
cost of actions taken by this Being." Talismans generally add a bonus to rolls to use skills,
and are effective in the Marches. Artifacts are simply Tools that have the ability "this
Object may move to the Location of the first Being to which it was attached, at the will of
that Being's controller at any time."
Ranks -- Distinctions are either angelic -- Vassal, Friend, and Master -- or demonic --
Knight, Captain, and Baron -- and are specific to a given Superior. Friend Distinctions will
have the condition "only attach to a Being with the Vassal Distinction attached," and
Masters may likewise be made only of Friends. Demonic Distinctions have similar
progressions. Seneschals typically give Abilities relating to a Tether you conrol which must
be specified when the card is attached. Words give powerful Abilities, but cost dearly in
Skill -- a mundane ability, typically inexpensive, generally allowing your ervant to take an
action, without spending Essence, to produce some helpful mundane effect.
Combat Acts -- the only kind of Acts which may be played during combat (and these
cards may only be played then), these Acts usually take the place of an action by one of
your servants (or otherwise specify when they must be played) to turn the course of
Personal Act -- allows you to get in the game as a Superior, planning and directing your
servants. Some require Essence, while others coordinate multiple actions in a turn.

Tools -- objects made by mundane humans. The come into play uncontrolled -- attach
them to a servant, and gain useful abilities cheaply.
Tethers -- Tethers are actually two Locations, one on Earth or the Marches and one
"everywhere" in your Realm. Both Locations count as the same Tether. Tethers have
several useful abilities. All Tethers have the game text "immediately come under control of
the owner of the Events Deck from which this Tether was played." Demons take 1
Celestial Hit per turn spent in combat in a Tether controlled by an Archangel. All celestials
lose 1 point of Dissonance at the end of each turn when they are in a Tether their Superior
controls. They are the only solid method of transport between Realms. They are necessary
to produce Seneschals, celestials with strong abilites tied to the Location. But they are
subject to theft and destruction. Beware, and defend them well.
Interventions -- little need be said. When an Intervention is played from the Events Deck
at the beginning of a turn, its text takes effect immediately, and generally either has some
immediate effect or an effect that lasts the turn. In either case, the Intervention is usually
discarded after its effecs have run their course. They can break all kinds of rules, changing
the shape of play. No card should be capable of altering an Intervention.
Locations -- not quite so amazing as Tethers, there can still be places on Earth that have
useful effects in the War. Beings can move to and from these Locations and no longer be in a
generic Location, gaining the effects of whatever game text the Location may have.
Locations are controlled by certain card effects, or are otherwise uncontrolled.
Nature: Almost as unstoppable as Interventions, Nature cards frequently have strong
effects on groups of Locations, or simply all Locations in play. Occasionally, closely
aligned Superiors such as Janus, Archangel of the Wind, may be able to do something about
Sample Game
Let's take a look at part of a sample game of In Nomine. The two Superiors involved are
Belial and Gabriel, Demon Prince and Archangel of Fire, respectively. The game as been
going on for a few turns now. It is Belial's turn. Both Superiors have 4 Essence in their
Essence Pools. The agreed-upon victory condition is 5 Humans.
In Belial's hand, he has:
Dynamite Hit: an Act of strategy, costing 0 Essence. "Play face down in Belial's Realm.
If at the end of any turn a Tether controlled by another Superior has only Humans you
control in it, show this card, discard any Seneschal attachment for that Tether, and discard
Dynamite Hit. Belial gains control of that Tether.
Pyres: a Word costing 10 Essence to attach to a Servitor. "That Servitor now gains the
game text 'If controller of holder of this Word is Gabriel, Belial, or Saminga, add 1 Essence to
your Pool whenever a Being under controller's Influence leaves play.'"
Fire (Corporeal): A Song costing 2 Essence to attach to a Being, which gains the game text
'Pay 1 Essence. Do 2 Corporeal Hits to any number of Beings in your Location."
Therkax: a Calabite costing 8 Essence to bring into play. Therkax has stats (Ce/E/Co) 4/4,
5/3, 3/7 and the game text "Therkax may use an action to attempt to destroy an Object at his
Location by making a Resonance Roll and succeeding with a 5 or 6."
Poof: a Demonling costing 2 Essence to bring into play. Poof has stats (Ce/E/Co) 2/2,
2/2, 1/1 and no game text.
In Gabriel's hand, she has:
Inspiration: an Act. Pay 1 Essence. Target a Human a Gabrielite Angel Influences. That
Human gains an extra action this Turn.
Send Reinforcements: a Combat Act costing 0 Essence. "Move any number of Beings
you Influence from any one Location to a Location where combat is in progress. Those
Beings join combat as attackers or defenders next time actions are declared."
Soldekai: a Malakite requiring 15 Essence to bring into play. Soldekai has stats (Ce/E/Co)
4/8, 5/8, 5/7 and the game text "Chamberlain of the Legions of Flame: Soldekai has all
Gabrielite Distinctions, and all Gabrielite Rites in play. Soldekai can take a free action once
per turn to move anywhere except a Demon Prince's Realm. While Soldekai is in play, all
angels controlled by Gabriel gain the game text "Objects attached to this Servitor may be
attached to a different Servitor of Fire during the Acts phase."
Penitence: an Act. Pay 3 Essence. Target a Human controlled by a Demon Prince. That
Human becomes Influenced by an Archangel (player of Penitence chooses) but loses all
Objects and Rites attached by a Demon Prince.
Relic Forge: an Object you pay 1 Essence to create and attach to a Location. All Objects
Relic Forge's controller brings into play have Essence cost reduced by 1 (min. 0).
In play are the following cards:
Mt. Kilauea, a Tether of Gabriel's. In addition to all the standard Tether text, Mt.
Kilauea has the additional text "Mt. Kilauea is unaffected by any Nature card except
Death Valley, a Tether of Belial's. In addition to all the standard Tether text,
Death Valley has the game text "All Humans take 1 Corporeal Hit of damage at the end of
any turn or combat round if in Death Valley."
New York, a Location with the game text "Beings in New York need not leave
New York when Retreating."
All other cards are at generic Locations in their Realm.
Srnclack, a Habbalite controlled by Belial with stats 4/4, 2/4, 1/5. Attached to
Srnclack is the Tool called Gun, with the text "During any Combat round, this Being may
choose to use Gun. Target a Being. Roll d6. Being takes half of result (round up) in
Corporeal damage." Srnclack carries a note of Dissonance. Srnclack is in a generic Location.
Wrinth, a Balseraph controlled by Belial with stats 2/4, 4/4, 2/6. Wrinth has the
additional game text "Beings controlled by Wrinth can only Move, Attack, Defend, or
Wait." Wrinth has attached the Rite: "If Belial has any Tether in play, and holder Waits this
turn, add 1 Essence to your Essence Pool at end of turn." Wrinth is at Death Valley, where
he is Seneschal. His Seneschal Rank gives him the Ability "Subtract 1 Essence from all
Essence costs paid by Seneschal while in the Seneschal's Tether." Wrinth has 1 Corporeal
Damage counter.
Ed Holder, a Human controlled by Wrinth with stats 1/3, 2/2, 2/4. Ed has a
Lifespan of 10 (about average) and has lived 3 turns. He has the game text "Tinkerer: For an
action, Ed may allow his Controller to search through their Events Deck for a Tool to bring
into play which can be attached immediately." His Destiny is: "Bring at least three Tools
into play." His Fate is: "Die after constructing two Tools or less." So far, Ed has brought
out only one Item. (He won't bring out any more while controlled by Wrinth, due to
Wrinth's game text.) He has the Rite: "If Belial has any Tether in play, and holder Waits
this turn, add 1 Essence to your Essence Pool at end of turn." Ed is in New York.
Leslie Hamerson, a Human controlled by Wrinth with stats 2/3, 3/3, 1/3. Leslie
has a Lifespan of 12 and has lived 4 turns. She has the game text "Nurse: For an action,
Leslie may target a Being in her Location and roll d6. That Being removes Corporeal
Damage equal to half the amount rolled, rounded up." Her Destiny is "Use this ability on at
least two different Beings." Her Fate is "cause more damage than she heals." Wrinth and
Belial have been seeing to that Fate -- Leslie has a Gun attached, and has been used twice in
Corporeal combats (Retreating immediately), doing 4 damage and no healing yet, so she is on
the way to her Fate. Leslie is in New York.
Marnel, a Malakite with stats 3/3, 3/5, 3/6. Marnel has the additional game text
"Leader: Marnel allows any one defending Being in a combat round to act before attackers."
Marnel is Seneschal of Mt. Kilauea, his Seneschal Rank having the game text "Subtract 3
Essence from any one action per turn taken by Seneschal while in the Seneschal's Tether."
Marnel is also a Vassal of Fire, with the ability "increase or decrease damage effected at
Vassal's Location by any card with 'Fire' in the title by 1." Marnel is at Mt. Kilauea.
Jayeil, a Mercurian with stats 4/4, 2/4, 1/5. Jayeil has attached the Rite "Gain 1
Essence at the beginning of every third round of any combat in which holder participates"
and the Skill Acting: "Add +1 to any attempt to Influence a Being by holder of Acting."
Jayeil is in New York.
Pen Quinn, a Human Influenced by Jayeil with stats 1/2, 3/3, 0/3. Pen has a
Lifespan of 9 and has lived 2 Turns. He has the game text "Artist: Pen may take an action
to target a Human and roll d6. If the roll is greater than or equal to target's Ethereal Hits,
Pen has Influenced them." Pen's Destiny is "Influence three Humans for Heaven." His Fate
is "Influence three people for Hell." Pen has Influenced one Human for Heaven so far. He
has two -1 counters to resist Influence attempts, thanks to Marnel. Pen is in a generic
Bucephel, a Cherub with stats 3/4, 2/5, 4/6. Bucephel has the additional text
"First Aid: Bucephel may remove 1 Corporeal damage counter from any Being in his
Location at end of turn, before any Hit checks are made." Bucephel is Attuned to Pen.
Bucephel is in Pen's Location.
Mark Walden, a Blessed Soul in Gabriel's Realm. Mark's Destiny (he was an
explorer) was to use his game text allowing him to take an action to search the top 6 cards of
any Events Deck for a non-Tether Location and bring it into play under control of an
Archangel; his Fate was to do so for a Demon Prince. He managed his Destiny and avoided
his Fate, and so automatically ended up in Gabriel's Realm, as there were no other
Archangels playing.
Finally, we should note part of Belial's and Gabriel's Superior sheets. Belial's Dissonance
Condition is that if any Servitor of his takes damage from a Location-effect card Belial
plays, that Servitor also gains a note of Dissonance. Gabriel's Dissonance condition is that
her Servitors may not go longer than a number of turns equal to their Celestial Hits without
engaging a demon in combat, if any are in play. Belial's ability for Habbalah is to make a
Resonance roll in combat, but instead of Influence, to cause the target to forfeit a number of
actions equal to the demon's Corporeal Hits. His Balseraphs may, in combat, cause any
Object to be nonfunctioning for the remainder of combat. His Calabim double damage from
a Resonance roll. Gabriel's Cherubim may take one free action per turn to attack Impudites
or Humans who hold Influence over any Being for a Demon Prince. Her Malakim may
choose during any attack round to add +1 to their base attack value in the appropriate
Realm. Her Mercurians gain a +1 in any attempt to Influence a Human Influenced by a
Belial's Turn
At the beginning of Belial's turn, he draws a card. He receives Arson Spree, an Act
costing no Essence with the text "Belial, Saminga, or Nybbas gains 3 Essence." He also flips
over an Event Card. It is a Location, Junkyard, which allows one token copy of any Tool in
play to be brought into play if a Being there forfeits an action.
In Phase 2, Belial gains 5 Essence -- 1 for himself, 1 each for Srnclack and Wrinth, and 1
each for Ed and Leslie. He now has 9 Essence.
In Phase 3, Mortals age. No mortal reaches their Lifespan yet.
In Phase 4, Belial rolls against Srnclack's Dissonance. The result is 3, and Srnclack carries
only one note, so Srnclack avoids gaining his Discord.
In Phase 5, Belial immediately plays Arson Spree, gaining 3 more Essence. He now has a
total of 12 Essence. He then plays Dynamite Hit face down in his Realm... he's going to try
to take Mt. Kilauea, severely hampering Gabriel, and a nice big dynamite blast in one side
could just do the trick. He's going to have to get Marnel out of the way, though.
He continues by bringing Poof into existence in his Realm and arming him with the Song
of Fire. Poof could come in useful in the future, and might be replaced later by Therkax. He
has 8 Essence left, so he could replace Poof with Therkax, for Poof's action, but with this
Song the little demonling might be able to do well for itself on its own for a bit. He doesn't
have enough Essence left to give any of his Servitors the Word of Pyres, so that's it for Acts
this phase.
In Phase 6, Belial makes a few preparations before the attack. He moves Poof down the
Death Valley Tether. Wrinth is more useful Waiting this turn, so he can heal his damage
counter and gather Essence for later.
Srnclack could either attempt to Influence Pen, or join the attack on Mt. Kilauea. He
could also move to the Junkyard and look around for discarded, fixable Guns, since there are
two of those in play at the moment, but Belial decides his time is more important than that.
He sends Srnclack to join the battle.
Now the attack gets under way. Belial assigns Ed and Leslie to attack Marnel along with
Srnclack. Marnel now has the choices of responding to the attack by attacking back -- with
his strength, a use of Send Reinforcements, and Gabriel's Malakite attunement, the angels
could probably defeat all three handily, and Marnel himself could possiby manage the
humans -- or Retreating or waiting, since killing these two Humans would send them straight
to Belial's Realm, damning them.
Marnel decides to make life tough for Srnclack. He immediately calls for backup (i.e.,
Gabriel plays Send Reinforcements), calling Bucephel from Pen's Location. (Pen isn't in
grave danger of being attacked -- he's too valuable alive -- or Influenced, since Belial has
already committed his Demons this Turn.) Bucephel joins combat at Marnel's side.
The attacking player, Belial, now declares his actions. Srnclack and Leslie use their Guns,
while Ed makes a base Attack. Bucephel and Marnel both target a base Attack against
Srnclack. Actions are then resolved: Srnclack and Leslie roll 2 and 4, doing a total of 2
damage each, and Ed does 2 damage. Marnel is reduced to 0 Corporeal Hits and can do no
more this round. Bucephel hits Srnclack with 4 damage. At the end of the round, Marnel is
moved to Gabriel's Realm, but as a Malakite does not suffer Trauma -- he's merely out of
the combat for the moment. At this point, Srnclack takes 1 Celestial Hit for being in an
angelic Tether
Next round, Srnclack attempts to Retreat to Death Valley. Habbalah *do* suffer Trauma,
and hopefully Bucephel will turn his attention to the attackers pounding on him, or Retreat,
as Ed is still attacking with base Attack value and Leslie is using her Gun again. No such
luck -- Bucephel attacks the retreating Srnclack, knowing both will be in Trauma for a good
while, presuming the Humans keep up the attack. Leslie rolls a 1, doing 1 damage, and Ed
does 2. Bucephel does 4 again to Srnclack, sending him into Trauma (with a second Hit of
Celestial damage for his trouble, having spent the second round in the Tether). His Gun is
left behind in the Tether, still conrolled by Belial.
Next round, Leslie and Ed do the same as before. Bucephel just sighs and Waits for the
inevitable, since he can't Retreat in time to escape the minimum damage and doesn't want to
kill either Human. The Resolution is that Bucephel is sent to Trauma.
At this point, Leslie and Ed are the only Beings left in the Tether, and both are working
for Belial, so the combat is over. There are no more Servitors of Belial who can take actions,
so the the turn ends.
At the end of Belial's turn, Bucephal, Srnclack, and Wrinth all remove one Corporeal
damage counter, and Srnclack removes one Celestial damage counter. Neither Leslie nor Ed
has any damage, so they need not remove anything. Belial gains 1 Essence for Wrinth's Rite.
Belial does not need to discard any cards, but he does have one effect to play. He flips over
Dynamite Hit, pointing out that the conditions are satisfied and discarding it. He takes
control of the Mt. Kilauea Tether. Marnel's Seneschal Attunement is discarded, and neither
he nor Bucephel can get back to Earth at the moment.
Gabriel's Turn
Gabriel has lost her only Tether in this area, and needs to pick one up quick -- all she has
on Earth are one Mercurian and a Human she's Influenced. Unfortunately, Tethers are made
by Humans; they can't occur via actions of Superiors, so she'll have to make do until her
Events Deck produces a new one.
At the beginning of the turn, Gabriel draws. It's Numinous Corpus (Fire), a Song that
takes 3 Essence to attach to a Servitor. The Servitor gains the game text "Spend 1 Essence.
For the remainder of combat, Corporeal Attack value is +1 and any successful attack against
holder does 1 damage to attacker." The card from her Events Deck is a Divine Intervention:
any Angels in Trauma are released immediately and regenerate all damage. Nice, but of no
help unless she can get Bucephel back to Earth.
However, she still has some tricks up her sleeve.
In Phase 2, Gabriel gains Essence. She gains 1 Essence for herself, 1 for Pen, and 3 total
for Marnel, Bucephel, and Jayeil, plus 1 for Mark Walden. She now has a total of 10.
In Phase 3, Mortals age. No one has reached their Lifespan yet.
In Phase 4, Gabriel's angels would roll for Dissonance, but none have any.
In Phase 5, Gabriel starts by paying 3 Essence for Penitence, targeting Ed. Ed loses his
Rite and comes under Gabriel's Influence. He gains an action this turn. Gabriel pays
another Essence, using Inspiration, once again targeting Ed, so he has two actions this turn.
She adds Numinous Corpus (Fire) to Jayiel for another 3 Essence. She doesn't have enough
Essence left to bring out Soldekai, and the Relic Forge would be hard to defend and just
make its Location a target (and she has no useful Objects in hand that require Essence at the
moment to make it worthwhile), so this ends her Acts Phase.
In Phase 6, Gabriel starts with Ed. She uses both of his actions to search through her
Events Deck for tools. She brings into play a Computer which she attaches to Ed, giving
him the game text "Holder may use an action to search through Repository for a copy of
any Skill they have and attach to Computer; Computer (with all attached skills) may be
given as an Act to any Being." She also selects Pit Trap, a card she put in there specifically
for Mercurians, and attaches it to Jayeil. It gives him the game text "Discard Pit Trap as a
Combat Act. One Being involved in combat with holder of Pit Trap is removed from
combat and enters a generic Location." The Tools may be useful, but the important part is
that Ed has now fulfilled his Destiny, and cannot fulfill his Fate. When he leaves play, he
will go to Gabriel's Realm.
Jayeil is Moved to Pen's Location, so he can defend Pen should the need arise.
Pen himself undertakes to Influence Leslie. He takes an action to roll d6. Leslie has 3
Ethereal Hits, so he needs 3 or better. He rolls a 3, and Leslie is Influenced for Heaven and
gains an action. Pen is one step closer to his Destiny.
Unfortunately, there's no one for Leslie to heal on Earth right now, so she can use some
protection until she can her life back on track and get moving toward her Destiny -- she is in
danger of being attacked. For Leslie's action, Gabriel moves her to Jayeil and Pen's Location,
so the three of them can help each other out. This leaves Ed alone in Mt. Kilauea, a Tether
of Belial's, but hopefully Belial will be reluctant to kill someone whose Destiny is assured.
At end of turn, nothing happens this time, since Gabriel does not need to discard and
there is no damage to be healed. She's fortified her servants the best she can, and can simply
hope to draw a new Tether soon, or another method of bringing angels to Earth, like a Song
of Calling (Celestial). Alternatively, if she saves up for Soldekai, he can go to Earth himself,
which will project some considerable force. Decisions, decisions...